
A simple Ruby gem to consume the uEncode API.


require 'uencode'

# In Rails you can put this inside an initializer
UEncode.configure do |c|
  c.customer_key = "your_uencode_api_key"

job = UEncode::Job.new :source => "http://your_source_video_url/foo.avi", :userdata => "This is a simple test"

job.configure_video_output { |c| c.destination = "http://your_destination_url/transcoded.mp4"; c.container = "mpeg4" }

video = UEncode::Medium.new

video.configure_video { |c| c.bitrate = 300000; c.codec = "h264"}

video.configure_audio do |c| 
  c.bitrate    = 64000
  c.codec      = "aac"
  c.samplerate = 44100
  c.channels   = 1

job << video

capture = UEncode::CaptureOutput.new :destination => "http://whatever.com/foo.zip", :rate => "every 30s"
job.add_capture capture

request = UEncode::Request.new job
puts job.to_xml
response = request.send

puts response.code # => 'Ok'
puts response.message # => 'Your job was created successfully'
puts response.jobid # => 1234567
puts response.userdata # => 'This is a simple test'

Accepted parameters

Currently all the uEncode API parameters are supported (or so I think :)

Currently the gem does not validate parameters' values, so pay attention at the API docs.

You can see the whole list of accepted parameters in the uEncode API documentation.

For the UEncode classes that map to each complex API parameters (like Crop, Size, FrameRate, etc) take a look at the spec file at /spec/elements_spec.rb or read the docs.

Running the specs

  • bundle install
  • rspec spec