
Making it easy for you to be everywhere, even if there's no API



sudo gem install ubiquitously

Run Tests

Fill out test/config.yml with your credentials for the different services, then run

rake test

Register for the services you haven't already

First edit the config file with a username, password, and other fields that all the systems might have. Then run this

rake ubiquitously:me

Automatically Post to Services

require 'rubygems'
require 'ubiquitously'

# dzone
  :title => "A Dzone Post!",
  :description => "Dzone does not let you edit or delete posts once you submit them, so be careful!",
  :tags => ["dzone", "web 2.0"]

How it works

Everything is built around Mechanize and Nokogiri, both led by Aaron Patterson.

Many social bookmarking services do not have API's in order to prevent spammers from ruining their system. But what about for those of us that actually create content several times a day and want automation? We're out of luck.

So Ubiquitously creates a simple, RESTful API around some services I need to publish to now, and hopefully it will grow as you guys need more. The goal is to be semi-low-level and not to provide a full featured api to a service, as some services already have very well-done API's in Ruby.

Other Possible Services (and Resources)