A gem to help you generate an acceptance test DSL from your application domain, which then re-uses Rails ActionView mechanism of element id generation to find elements in the UI matching the object and method you have called, without any boilerplate. An example:

Say you have a rails model, called Member. Calling the following code from your test:


would return an element on the page like so:

<input id="member_0_first_name" />

This also works for multiple instances of an object on a page:



<input id="member_1_first_name" />

How to use:

  • add 'ubiquitous' to your gemfile
  • require 'ubiquitous/instance_tag' in /config/environment.rb
  • add the following to your env.rb or spec_helper:

    require 'ubiquitous/base_model'

    require 'ubiquitous/model_helpers'

then for cucumber:


and for rspec:

include Ubiquitous::ModelHelpers