

TwitterFilter helps you access all the Tweets you want and nothing but those Tweets.


TwitterFilter is a Ruby gem, so you will need to install it and its dependencies.

You must also save your Twitter OAuth credentials in a YAML file with contents like this fake example:

consumer_key: Id254ZAzQJtF7ltUerYPw
consumer_secret: fSuNNvlairlesqGDnasde58zib3hApHMTUnZ0J94jmw
oauth_token: 938572174-ByY7Plbe1J4Dp5JSwZjmPowBwOr2VVjLA2Juxeqp
oauth_token_secret: PrRwQVOgO2Sg0r4IOJPwQq95IqHieZeEnemxkiHKw

See Twitter's GET oauth/authenticate page for instructions on getting your own credentials.


You create a GetTweets object by passing in the path to your Twitter OAuth credentials YAML file:

gt =

You can then use your GetTweets object to get a random array of Tweets. To get an array with 30 Tweets:

tweets = gt.sample(30)

If you just wish to get the array without also seeing each one, you can pass {display: false}:

tweets = gt.sample(30, display: false)

You use TwitterFilter at your own risk. I make no warrantees about anything relating to TwitterFilter.