
A Ruby server for the tus resumable upload protocol. It implements the core 1.0 protocol, along with the following extensions:


gem "tus-server"


You can run the Tus::Server in your config.ru:

# config.ru
require "tus/server"

map "/files" do
  run Tus::Server

run YourApp

Now you can tell your tus client library (e.g. tus-js-client) to use this endpoint:

// using tus-js-client
new tus.Upload(file, {
  endpoint: "http://localhost:9292/files",
  chunkSize: 15*1024*1024, # 15 MB
  // ...

After upload is complete, you'll probably want to attach the uploaded files to database records. Shrine is one file attachment library that supports this, see shrine-tus-demo on how you can integrate the two.


As per tus protocol, you can assign custom metadata when creating a file using the Upload-Metadata header. When retrieving the file via a GET request, tus-server will use

  • content_type -- for setting the Content-Type header
  • filename -- for setting the Content-Disposition header

Both of these are optional, and will be used if available.


By default Tus::Server saves partial and complete files on the filesystem, inside the data/ directory. You can easily change the directory:

require "tus/server"

Tus::Server.opts[:storage] = Tus::Storage::Filesystem.new("public/cache")

The downside of storing files on the filesystem is that it isn't distributed, so for resumable uploads to work you have to host the tus application on a single server.

However, tus-server also ships with MongoDB GridFS storage, which among other things is convenient for a multi-server setup. It requires the [Mongo] gem:

gem "mongo"
require "tus/server"
require "tus/storage/gridfs"

client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://")
Tus::Server.opts[:storage] = Tus::Storage::Gridfs.new(client: client)

You can also write your own storage, you just need to implement the same public interface that Tus::Storage::Filesystem and Tus::Storage::Gridfs do.

Maximum size

By default the maximum size for an uploaded file is 1GB, but you can change that:

require "tus/server"

Tus::Server.opts[:max_size] = 5 * 1024*1024*1024 # 5GB
# or
Tus::Server.opts[:max_size] = nil                # no limit


By default both partially and fully uploaded files will get deleted after one week, and the interval of checking for expired files is 1 hour. You can change both of these:

require "tus/server"

Tus::Server.opts[:expiration_time]     = 14*24*60*60 # 2 weeks
Tus::Server.opts[:expiration_interval] = 24*60*60    # 1 day


The following checksum algorithms are supported for the checksum extension:

  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
  • MD5
  • CRC32


Since tus-server is built using a Rack-based web framework (Roda), if a PATCH request gets interrupted, none of the received data will be stored. It's recommended to configure your client tus library not to use a single PATCH request for large files, but rather to split it into multiple chunks. You can do that for tus-js-client by specifying a maximum chunk size:

new tus.Upload(file, {
  endpoint: "http://localhost:9292/files",
  chunkSize: 15*1024*1024, # 15 MB
  // ...

Tus-server also currently doesn't support the checksum-trailer extension, which would allow sending the checksum header after the data has been sent, using trailing headers.
