
Turnip is a Gherkin extension for RSpec. It allows you to write tests in Gherkin and run them through your RSpec environment. Basically you can write cucumber features in RSpec.


Turnip is a proof of concept, there are currently NO TESTS, and there is a lot of cucumber's syntax it does NOT support. There are currently no tables, multiline string or scenario outlines.


Install the gem

gem install turnip

Or add it to your Gemfile and run bundle.

group :test do
  gem "turnip"

Now edit the .rspec file in your project directory (create it if doesn't exist), and add the following line:

-r turnip


Add a feature file anywhere in your spec directory:

# spec/acceptance/attack_monster.feature
Feature: Attacking a monster
    Given there is a monster

  Scenario: attack the monster
    When I attack it
    Then it should die

Now you can run it just like you would run any other rspec spec:

rspec spec/acceptance/attack_monster.feature

It will automatically be run if you run all your specs with rake spec or rspec spec.

Yes, that's really it.

Defining steps

You might want to define some steps. You can put them anywhere. Turnip automatically requires your spec_helper, so you can add them there or put them in separate files (recommended). Define them like this:

step "there is a monster" do
  @monster = Monster.new

Note that unlike Cucumber, Turnip does not support regexps in step definitions.