
This is a basic wrapper for the tumblr api written in ruby. It requires Oauth and RestClient. I haven't wrapped the response objects yet.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tumblr_wrapper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tumblr_wrapper


Set up:

TumblrWrapper.consumer_key = "YOUR APPLICATION KEY"
TumberWrapper.consumer_secret = "YOUR APPLICATION SECRET"

If you need the token and secret for a user:

client = TumblrWrapper::Client.new

then authorize in browser here:


request_token = client.request_token.token
request_token_secret = client.request_token.secret

tumblr oauth is strict, you need the oauth verifier from the response to get the access token:

client.build_request_token(request_token, request_token_secret)
access_token = client.request_access_token("OAUTH VERIFIER")

If you have the token and secret for your user:

access_token = client.build_access_token("TOKEN", "SECRET")

The access token is memoized in either case, so you can call it again once it was set:

access_token = client.access_token
=> {
      consumer_key: "YOUR APPLICATION KEY",
      consumer_secret: "YOUR APPLICATION SECRET",
      oauth_token: 'TOKEN',
      oauth_secret: 'SECRET',

To get the first 40 posts of your blog:

blog_resource = TumblrWrapper::BlogResource.new('yourblog.tumblr.com', access_token)

blog = blog_resource.blow
blog.posts(limit: 40)

or with pagination:

blog.posts(limit: 20, offset: 0)
blog.posts(limit: 20, offset: 20)

To post:

blog_resource.post.create({ type: 'text', body: "Hello world." })

To update a post:

post.update({id: "ID FROM TUMBLR", body: "Goodbye world."})

To delete a post:

post.delete({id: "ID FROM TUMBLR"})

The response object is a TumblrWrapper::Response. It responds to :status, :meta, and any of the keys under "response" from tumblr. Any of the values which are hashes will have indifferent access. For example,

response = blog.posts
response.status.should == 200
response.meta[:status].should == 200
response.blog[:title].should == "Your Blog Title"
response.posts.should be_a(Array)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request