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Toolbox for developing CLI clients in Ruby. This library provides a fluid interface for working with terminals.


Jump-start development of your command line app:

  • Fully customizable table rendering with an easy-to-use API. (status: In Progress)
  • Terminal output colorization. (status: DONE)
  • Terminal & System detection utilities. (status: In Progress)
  • Text alignment/padding/indentation. (status: In Progress)
  • Shell user interface. (status: In Progress)
  • File diffs. (status: TODO)
  • Progress bar. (status: TODO)
  • Configuration file management. (status: TODO)
  • Fully tested with major ruby interpreters.
  • No dependencies to allow for easy gem vendoring.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tty'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tty



To instantiate table pass 2-dimensional array:

  table = TTY::Table[['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2']]
  table = [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2']]
  table = rows: [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2']]

  table = ['h1', 'h2'], [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2']]
  table = header: ['h1', 'h2'], rows: [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2']]

or cross header with rows inside a hash like so

  table = [{'h1' => ['a1', 'a2'], 'h2' => ['b1', 'b2']}]

Apart from rows and header, you can provide other customization options such as

  column_widths   # array of maximum columns widths
  column_aligns   # array of cell alignments out of :left, :center and :right
  renderer        # enforce display type out of :basic, :color, :unicode, :ascii
  orientation     # either :horizontal or :vertical

Table behaves like an Array so <<, each and familiar methods can be used

  table << ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']
  table << ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']
  table << ['a1', 'a2'] << ['b1', 'b2']  # chain rows assignment

  table.each { |row| ... }  # iterate over rows
  table[i, j]               # return element at row(i) and column(j)
  table.row(i) { ... }      # return array for row(i)
  table.column(j) { ... }   # return array for column(j)
  table.row_size            # return row size
  table.column_size         # return column size
  table.size                # return an array of [row_size, column_size]

or pass your rows in a block

  table =  do |t|
    t << ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']
    t << ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']

And then to print do


  a1  a2  a3
  b1  b2  b3

To print border around data table you need to specify renderer type out of basic, ascii, unicode. For instance to output unicode border:

  table = ['header1', 'header2'], [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2'], renderer: 'unicode'

  │a1     │a2     │
  │b1     │b2     │

You can also create your own custom border by subclassing TTY::Table::Border

  class MyBorder < TTY::Table::Border
    def_border do
        'bottom'       => ' ',
        'bottom_mid'   => '*',
        'bottom_left'  => '*',
        'bottom_right' => '*',
        'left'         => '$',
        'right'        => '$'

Next pass the border to your table

  table.renders_with MyBorder


To read general terminal properties you can use on of the helpers

  term =
  term.width              # => 140
  term.height             # =>  60
  term.color?             # => true or false
  term.echo(false) { }    # switch off echo for the block

To colorize your output do

  term.color.set 'text...', :bold, :red, :on_green    # => red bold text on green background
  term.color.remove 'text...'       # strips off ansi escape sequences
  term.color.code :red              # ansi escape code for the supplied color


Main responsibility is to interact with the prompt and provide convenience methods.

Available methods are

  shell =
  shell.ask          # print question         # read from stdin
  shell.say          # print message to stdout
  shell.confirm      # print message(s) in green
  shell.warn         # print message(s) in yellow
  shell.error        # print message(s) in red
  shell.print_table  # print table to stdout

In order to ask question and parse answers:

  shell  =
  answer = shell.ask("What is your name?").read_string

The library provides small DSL to help with parsing and asking precise questions

  argument    # :required or :optional
  character   # turn character based input, otherwise line (default: false)
  clean       # reset question
  default     # default value used if none is provided
  echo        # turn echo on and off (default: true)
  mask        # mask characters i.e '****' (default: false)
  modify      # apply answer modification :upcase, :downcase, :trim, :chomp etc..
  range       # specify range '0-9', '0..9', '0...9' or negative '-1..-9'
  validate    # regex against which stdin input is checked
  valid       # a list of expected valid options

You can chain question methods or configure them inside a block

  shell.ask("What is your name?").argument(:required).default('Piotr').validate(/\w+\s\w+/).read_string

  shell.ask "What is your name?" do
    argument :required
    default  'Piotr'
    validate /\w+\s\w+/
    valid    ['Piotr', 'Piotrek']
    modify   :capitalize

Reading answers and converting them into required types can be done with custom readers

  read_bool       # return true or false for strings such as "Yes", "No"
  read_date       # return date type
  read_datetime   # return datetime type
  read_email      # validate answer against email regex
  read_float      # return decimal or error if cannot convert
  read_int        # return integer or error if cannot convert
  read_multiple   # return multiple line string
  read_password   # return string with echo turned off
  read_range      # return range type
  read_string     # return string

For example, if we wanted to ask a user for a single digit in given range

  ask("Provide number in range: 0-9") do
    range '0-9'
    on_error :retry

on the other hand, if we are interested in range answer then

  ask("Provide range of numbers?").read_range


  TTY::System.unix?      # => true   # => false


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.