Gem Version License


This gem allows users to truncate html or non-html text by using options. This gem provides an easy way to integrate truncate_html_text jQuery plugin with your Rails apps.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'truncate_html_text'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install truncate_html_text


To insert JavaScript files in your Rails app, add following line in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file (make sure to add after requiring jquery).

    //= require truncate_html_text_main
    <%= truncate_html_text_tag(:div, '<p>Truncate Html <i>text</i></p>')%>
    <div class="truncate"><p>Truncate Html <i>text</i></p></div>


Default options are...


Default: Infinity

The maximum length (including the ellipsis) of the truncated html.

    <%= truncate_html_text_tag(:div, '<p>Truncate Html <i>text</i></p>', data:{length:20})%>
    <div class="truncate" data-length="20"><p>Truncate Html <i>t...</i></p></div>


Default: false

If stripTags is truthy all html tags will be stipped, leaving only the text.

    <%= truncate_html_text_tag(:div, '<p>Truncate Html <i>text</i></p>', data:{length:20, stripTags: true})%>
    <div class="truncate" data-length="20" data-stripTags="true">Truncate Html t...</div>


Default: false

If words is truthy the input will only be truncated at word boundaries.

    <%= truncate_html_text_tag(:div, '<p>Truncate Html <i>text</i></p>', data:{length:20, words: true})%>
    <div class="truncate" data-length="20" data-words="true"><p>Truncate Html...</p></div>


Default: false

If noBreaks is truthy the input will contain no break elements.

    <%= truncate_html_text_tag(:div, '<p>Truncate Html <br><i>text</i></p>', data:{length:20, noBreaks: true})%>
    <div class="truncate" data-length="20" data-noBreaks="true"><p>Truncate Html <i>t...</i></p></div>


Default: '…'

The ellipsis setting is used to provide a different character for the ellipsis.

    <%= truncate_html_text_tag(:div, '<p>Truncate Html <br><i>text</i></p>', data:{length:20, ellipsis: '~'})%>
    <div class="truncate" data-length="20" data-ellipsis="true"><p>Truncate Html <i>t~</i></p></div>


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/truncate_html_text/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request