
truncateHTML truncates text like the Rails truncate helper but doesn't break HTML tags, entities, and optionally words.


The truncateHTML gem can be installed by running:

gem install truncateHTML


require 'rubygems'
require 'truncateHTML'

A string html_string can be truncated by running:


The following options can be passed to the trucate method:

  • :max_length The maximum length of the out put. Defaults to 40
  • :ellipsis The last few characters , in case the string is truncated. Defaults to ...
  • :words Splicing words will be avoided if set to ttrue. Defaults to false.
  • :link A link will be appended to the truncated string if explicitely passed. Its by default nil.


B V Satyaram <>

  • Initially authored By Henrik Nyh <> 2008-01-30. Free to modify and redistribute with credit.
  • Modified by Dave Nolan <> 2008-02-06. Ellipsis appended to text of last HTML node. Ellipsis inserted after final word break
  • Modified by Mark Dickson [email protected] 2008-12-18. Option to truncate to last full word. Option to include a 'more' link. Check for nil last child
  • Modified by Ken-ichi Ueda <> 2009-09-02. Rails 2.3 compatability (chars -> mb_chars), via Henrik. Hpricot 0.8 compatability (avoid dup on Hpricot::Elem)
  • Modified by B V Satyaram <> 2011-03-24. Rails version independent. Making this a gem. Removed mb_chars