Trogdir API Build Status

RESTful APIs for the Trogdir directory project.



git clone [email protected]:biola/trogdir-api.git
cd trogdir-api
bundle install
cp config/mongoid.yml.example config/mongoid.yml
cp config/blazing.rb.example config/blazing.rb
cp config/newrelic.yml.example config/newrelic.yml


  • Edit config/mongoid.yml accordingly.
  • Edit config/blazing.rb accordingly.
  • Edit config/newrelic.yml accordingly.


blazing setup [target name in blazing.rb]
git push [target name in blazing.rb]


To launch a console, cd into the app directory and run irb -r ./config/environment.rb

GUI Frontend

See three-keepers for a frontend GUI to the trogdir-api data.

Consuming the API

See trogdir-api-client for details on consuming the API.

Client (Syncinator) Setup

There is currently no GUI for creating syncinators. To create a new client, lanunch the console and run the following command.

Syncinator.create name: 'my-app', queue_changes: false

This will automatically generate an access_id and secret_key that you will need to provide to trogdir-api-client in your application so that it can authhenticate with trogdir-api

Note: for details on whether or not you want to set queue_changes, see Change Tracking and Syncing below.

Change Tracking and Syncing