Trinidad Worker Extension

Background Workers for Trinidad running as background (daemon) threads along side your Rack/Rails deployed application.

Built upon thus supports popular worker libraries such as Resque and Delayed::Job.


Along with Trinidad in your application’s Gemfile :

ruby group :server do platform :jruby do gem 'trinidad', :require => false gem 'trinidad_worker_extension', :require => false end end

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as a plain old gem :

$ gem install trinidad_worker_extension


Like all extensions set it up in the configuration file (e.g. trinidad.yml).



# … extensions: worker: delayed_job: # all settings here are optional thread_count: 1 thread_priority: NORM # DJ specifics (optional as well) : QUEUE: mailers,tasks READ_AHEAD: 3 # default 5 SLEEP_DELAY: 2.5 # default 5 #MIN_PRIORITY: 1 #MAX_PRIORITY: 5 ```

The following start script will be executed in each Thread


ruby Trinidad.configure do |config| config[:extensions] = { :worker => :resque => { :thread_priority => 4, # bit bellow NORM (5) 'QUEUES' => ['*'], 'INTERVAL' => 2.5, # default is 5.0 'VERBOSE' => true, # verbose logging #'VVERBOSE' => true, # very_verbose logging } } end

The following start script will be executed in each Thread

Custom Worker


# … extensions: worker: custom: #script: require ‘my_worker’; MyWorker.start script.path: “lib/my_worker/start_worker.rb” # all settings here are optional #thread_count: 1 #thread_priority: NORM ```

If you’d like to specify custom parameters you can do so within the configuration file or the deployment descriptor as context init parameters or as java system properties, use the following code to obtain them in your code :

```ruby require ‘jruby/rack/worker/env’ env = JRuby::Rack::Worker::ENV

worker = worker.queues = (env[‘QUEUES’]).split(‘,’) # … ```

Copyright (c) 2012 Karol Bucek. See LICENSE ( for details.