
gem install transync

You need settings file to be named transync.yml and to be in same directory from which we are running transync command. For example see transync.SAMPLE.yml.


You have xliff files in one directory, named like: common.en.xliff where common is name of the file and also google doc spreadsheet tab. en is language and you have google doc with structure where first row is key, language 1, language 2

How does it work?

Updating GDoc from our xliff files. It won't delete any key, it will only add new or change existing ones. Same for direction from Gdoc to xliff.


  • Create new Google Doc Spreadsheet
  • Copy it's key from URL to transync.yml
  • Set all the languages and xliff you want to sync in transync.yml (look at transync.SAMPLE.yml)
  • set XLIFF_FILES_PATH to set path where are your xliff files. In project do it with relative path so others can use it
  • set MISSING_TRANSLATION_TEXT to set what text should go to target element for translation
  • run these commands respectively

Running order

transync test   # test if all keys are set for all the languages. Also tests if everything in sync with GDoc
transync update # will test and add all the missing keys that are not presented for a particular language
transync init   # will sync all translations with Google spreadsheet. You need to run update command first, to ensure no keys are missing

# After init was made you have these two to sync between gdoc and xliff
transync x2g
transync g2x

Gem development

ruby g2x_spec.rb
ruby x2g_spec.rb


  • use ruby's 2.0 named parameters (more clear method calls)
  • better tests (move out network dependency -> maybe try VCR)
  • add to travis / code climate
  • don't allow empty keys?