

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'transaction_faker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install transaction_faker


We created categories that can model a person’s spending patterns, and they are populated with a few of Plaid’s categories to create the transactions. Here are our categories:

Food and Drink > Bar
Food and Drink > Nightlife > Night Clubs
Shops > Food and Beverage Store > Beer, Wine and Spirits

Food and Drink > Restaurants > Steakhouses
Food and Drink > Restaurants > Mexican
Food and Drink > Restaurants > Japanese
Food and Drink > Restaurants > Latin American
Food and Drink > Restaurants > Coffee Shop

Recreation > Arts and Entertainment > Movie Theatres
Recreation > Arts and Entertainment > Sports Venues
Recreation > Arts and Entertainment > Entertainment

Recreation > Gyms and Fitness Centers
Recreation > Hunting and Fishing
Recreation > Batting Cages

Service > Cable
Service > Telecommunication Services
Service > Internet Services
Service > Utilities > Water
Service > Utilities > Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Service > Utilities > Gas
Service > Utilities > Electric

Service > Home Improvement > Plumbing
Service > Cleaning
Service > Real Estate > Apartments, Condos and Houses

Payment > Rent

Service > Financial > Taxes
Service > Financial > ATMs
Bank Fees > ATM

Service > Personal Care > Hair Salons and Barbers
Healthcare > Healthcare Services > Dentists
Shops > Pharmacies

Shops > Food and Beverage Store > Health Food
Shops > Food and Beverage Store > Farmers Markets

Shops > Outlet > Women's Store

Travel > Car Service > Ride Share

Travel > Public Transportation Services

Tax > Refund
Transfer > Deposit

Transfer > Payroll

Create a hash where keys are the categories you want to include, and the values are a hash containing the mean, standard deviation, and monthly frequency of the transaction you want to create. Choose an "available balance" and a "current balance" for the fake user, and then initialize it by passing in these two numbers and the transaction hash to its initializer. Example:

transaction_hash = {
  "NIGHTLIFE" => {
    mean: 23, std_dev: 5, monthly_freq: 7
  "EAT_OUT" => {
    mean: 16, std_dev: 8, monthly_freq: 13
    mean: 40, std_dev: 25, monthly_freq: 2
    mean: 40, std_dev: 5, monthly_freq: 2
  "UTILITIES" => {
    mean: 60, std_dev: 10, monthly_freq: 6
    mean: 50, std_dev: 10, monthly_freq: 2
  "RENT" => {
    mean: 2000, std_dev:  0, monthly_freq: 1
    mean: 180, std_dev: 30, monthly_freq: 2
    mean: 40, std_dev: 10, monthly_freq: 2
  "GROCERIES" => {
    mean: 40, std_dev: 15, monthly_freq: 4
  "SHOPPING" => {
    mean: 60, std_dev: 30, monthly_freq: 3
    mean: 8, std_dev: 3, monthly_freq: 8
    mean: 130, std_dev: 0, monthly_freq: 1
  "INCOME" => {
    mean: -500, std_dev: 100, monthly_freq: 1
  "PAYROLL" => {
    mean: -2000, std_dev: 0, monthly_freq: 2

user =, 1200, transaction_hash)

Once you have the user object created, you can call the "to_json" method to return the user’s account and transactions in JSON form.

json_format = user.to_json

If you need to recreate the same user and transactions from a previous iteration, pass in the seed number as a 4th argument to the user's initializer, so that 'srand()' will be called with the provided seed.

user =, 1200, transaction_hash, 1234)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/transaction_faker.
