Toy Robo Simulator

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Toy Robo Simulator is a command line application that simulates the movement of a toy robot, or robo, on a square table. Entering an interactive console, you have several commands to control the robo including PLACE, MOVE, LEFT, and RIGHT. It's like moving a character in a PRG game. Feel free to roam around.


gem install toy_robo_simulator

Since this is a standalone program, there is no need to install with a Gemfile.



You should see a welcome message along with a command line prompt. Ready to move the robots!

Available Commands

# Place a robo. Requires x, y, and orientation arguments. Arguments are separated by a white space.
# e.g. PLACE 2 5 NORTH

# Move forward one space. e.g. Facing north will move the robo one unit toward north.

# Turn left.

# Turn right.

# Report current position and orientation.

# Display all available commands.

The commands are not case-sensitive. Either PLACE, Place or place will work.

However, several rules to follow:

  • A robo must be placed on the table before any other commands.
  • The robo cannot be placed out of the table.
  • The robo is not allowed to move out the the table.

A Complete Example

Entering the console, input:

00 > PLACE 2 1 NORTH
It is placed.

01 > MOVE
It moves forward.

02 > LEFT
It turns left.

Robo is now at (2,2) facing WEST

04 > MOVE
It moves forward.

05 > RIGHT
It turns right

06 > MOVE
It moves forward.

Robo is now at (1,3) facing NORTH

08 > exit

Thank You!

Development Documentation

Detailed documentations of every class, module, and method are on RubyDoc.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.