
A Toque

Toquen combines Capistrano 3, Chef, and AWS instance tags into one bundle of joy. Instance roles are stored in AWS tags and Toquen can suck those out, put them into data bags for chef, and create stages in capistrano. You can then selectively run chef on individual servers or whole roles that contain many servers with simple commands.


Before beginning, you should already understand how chef-solo works and have some cookbooks, roles defined, and at least a folder for data_bags (even if it's empty). The rest of this guide assumes you have these ready as well as an AWS PEM key and access credentials.

Generally, it's easiest if you start off in an empty directory. First, create a file named Gemfile that contains these lines:

source ''
gem 'toquen'

Then, create a file named Capfile that contains the following line:

require 'toquen'

And then on the command line execute:

cap toquen_install

This will create a config directory with a file named deploy.rb. Edit this file, setting the location of your AWS key, AWS credentials, and chef cookbooks/data bags/roles/environments. If your servers are in a region (or regions) other than us-east-1, then you'll need to set the region as described below.

Then, in AWS, create an AWS instance tag named "Roles" for each instance, using a space separated list of chef roles as the value. The "Name" tag must also be set or the instance will be ignored. You can optionally set an "Environment" tag as well if you'd like chef to use an environment for that server.

Then, run:

cap update_roles

This will create a data_bag named servers in your data_bags path that contains one item per server name, as well as create stages per server and role for use in capistrano.

Server Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping a server will perform all of the following:

  1. Update all packages (assuming a Debian/Ubuntu system)
  2. Sets the hostname to be whatever you set as value for the Name tag in AWS
  3. Installs Ruby / RubyGems
  4. Install the chef gem
  5. Reboot

You can bootstrap a single server by using:

cap server-<server name> bootstrap

Or a all the servers with a given role:

cap <role name> bootstrap

Or on all servers:

cap all bootstrap

A lockfile is created after the first bootstrapping so that the full bootstrap process is only run once per server.

Running Chef-Solo

You can run chef-solo for a single server by using:

cap server-<server name> cook

Or a all the servers with a given role with:

cap <role name> cook

Or on all servers:

cap all cook

Updating Roles

If you change the roles of any servers on AWS (or add any new ones) you will need to run:

cap update_roles

This will update the servers data_bag as well as the capistrano stages.

Additional Configuration

If you want to use a different tag name (or you like commas as a delimiter) you can specify your own role extractor/setter by placing the following in either your Capfile or config/deploy.rb:

# these are the default - replace with your own
Toquen.config.aws_roles_extractor = lambda { |inst| (inst.tags["MyRoles"] || "").split(",") }
Toquen.config.aws_roles_setter = lambda { |ec2, inst, roles| ec2.tags.create(inst, 'Roles', :value => roles.sort.join(' ')) }

By default, instance information is only pulled out of the default region (us-east-1), but you can specify mutiple alternative regions:

set :aws_regions, ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2']

You can also specify the location to upload the kitchen before running chef. By default, this is set to the ssh user's home directory.

set :chef_upload_location, "/tmp/toquen"

View Instances

To see details about your aws instances you can use the details cap task.

cap all details

Or for a given role with:

cap <role name> details

Or for a given server with:

cap server-<server name> details

SSH Into Server

To SSH into a server, use the ssh cap task. It will handle execing SSH with the correct paths to keys.

cap <role> ssh

Open SSH in Security Group to Current Machine

To allow an SSH connection from your current machine (based on your internet visible IP, as determined using this method), use the open_ssh/close_ssh capistrano tasks.

cap databases open_ssh

And then, when you're finished:

cap databases close_ssh

Or, if you want to do everything in one step:

cap databases open_ssh cook close_ssh

Note: You can also use the task open_port[22] and close_port[22] to open and close SSH (or any other port).

Application Configuration

Toquen can also drop off a config file meant for use by applications on your system. Here's how that works:

  1. Toquen creates a hash that contains a list of all of your servers and all of their details (based on your servers data_bag)
  2. Toquen looks for a file named "apps.json" in your config folder, and if it's found, Toquen pulls out all of the keys that correspond with the server's roles and environments, and then it merges them together with the hash it's building (if this file contains secrets, consider not including in revision control)
  3. The resulting hash is dropped off in your user's home directory (this can be overridden with the apps_config_path config variable) with the filename "apps.json".

Most likely, you'll want to add this line to your deploy.rb:

after :cook, :update_appconfig

so that it will be run on every cook. You can always run it separately as:

cap <role name> update_appconfig

External Capistrano Integration

If you have applications that are deployed via capistrano, you can use Toquen to dynamically configure where these applications are deployed based on their roles. This way, you don't have to keep editing your config/deploy/production.rb file every time a server is added or removed.

For example, let's say we have an application that should be deployed to all servers with a role of "web". A config/deploy/production.rb file could look like this:

require 'toquen'

set :aws_access_key_id, "AKEYAKEY"
set :aws_secret_access_key, "AKEYID"
set :aws_regions, ['us-east-1']

Toquen.servers_with_role('web').each do | details|
  server details[:external_ip], roles: %w{web app db}

set :applicationdir, "/home/deploy/webapp"
set :rails_env, "production"
set :branch, 'master'

Just make sure to add the toquen gem to your Gemfile, and then you can use capistrano per usual to deploy.

Additional Cap Tasks

There are a few other helper cap tasks as well - to see them, run:

cap -T