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tladot - Utility to convert tlc/tlaplus state space to graphviz - $Release:0.0.5$

A utility to convert state space dump created by patched tlaplus TLC in TLA toolbox to graphviz dot format.


Obtain the patched TLC version

Clone github model


and change the working directory

 cd tla2dot

Running the patced TLC version to create state dump

Create a TLA model files. The example below uses files DieHard.tla, and DieHard.cfg, in directory model

Set up environment variable CP to poinnt the patched tla2tools.jar in directory java

export CP=$(pwd)/java/org.lamport.tlatools-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Run the TLA model, and generate a dump file ../examples/DieHard-patched.dump using the command

 (cd model; java -cp $CP tlc2.TLC -dump ../examples/DieHard-patched.dump DieHard)

The patched TLC command adds fingerprint and transition information to the dump file. For example, to show the difference of non-patched dump file, and the patched dump file use the command

diff examples/DieHard-orig.dump examples/DieHard-patched.dump

and observe diff starting

< State 1:
> State 1/1721042995228635026:
< State 2:
> State 2/8981770525750446274:
< State 3:
> Transition 1721042995228635026 --> 8981770525750446274
> State 3/-7007095103426876375:
< State 4:
> Transition 1721042995228635026 --> -7007095103426876375
> Transition 1721042995228635026 --> 1721042995228635026
> Transition 1721042995228635026 --> 1721042995228635026

Create dot file

To create a dot file for a patched state-dump in examples/customer1-patched.dump, run

bin/tla2dot.rb graph examples/DieHard-patched.dump   >tmp/dump.dot

and to convert it to a svg diagran, run

dot -T svg tmp/dump.dot >tmp/dump.svg

Command graph accepts optionally a list of variables to include in state nodes. For example, to show variables big,small in the example, use the command

bin/tla2dot.rb graph examples/DieHard-patched.dump  big,small  >tmp/dump.dot

State identity is referenced using a pseudo variable ID:

bin/tla2dot.rb graph examples/DieHard-patched.dump  ID,big,small  >tmp/dump.dot

and all variables can be included in the graph using value TRUE for variable list

bin/tla2dot.rb graph examples/DieHard-patched.dump  TRUE  >tmp/dump.dot


Add following lines to Gemfile

source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'tla2dot'

and to get help on using tla2tools

bundle exec tla2dot.rb help


