Class: Dobjects::Dtable

  • Object
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Dtables are a specialized implementation of two-dimensional arrays of double precision floating point numbers. They are intended for use in applications needing efficient processing of large 2D tables of numeric data. Essentially any of the operations you might do with a Ruby Array of numbers can also be done with a Dtable. Dtables follow the same design philosophy as Dvector and uses Dvectors for several operations.

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Marshal :


numeric methods



standard math functions




#addObject Also known as: +, plus

math operations

#add!Object Also known as: plus!







#atObject Also known as: []















#divObject Also known as: /






















#moduloObject Also known as: mod, %

#modulo!Object Also known as: mod!

#mulObject Also known as: *, times

#mul!Object Also known as: times!

#negObject Also known as: -@

nonstandard math functions




#powObject Also known as: raised_to, **

#pow!Object Also known as: raised_to!
































#subObject Also known as: -, minus

#sub!Object Also known as: minus!







