
Dev status: GEM is FINISHED!

Engine Based GUI for awesome_nested_set gem. Rails 3+


sortable_tree - recursive helper-method for render sortable awesome_nested_set tree.

sortable_tree uses partials for rendering, that's why it is so easy to customize!

Is it fast?


  • Development env
  • 584 elements
  • 3 levels deep

Rendered by 50 sec.

I think it is good result.

Can you makes it faster? Welcome!


gem 'the_sortable_tree'



  1. gem 'nested_set' or gem 'awesome_nested_set'
  2. gem 'haml'
  3. JQuery UI

Example of using with Page Model

Extend your Model

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
  include TheSortableTree::Scopes
  # any code here

Extend your Controller

class PagesController < ApplicationController
  include TheSortableTreeController::Rebuild
  # any code here

or (for reversed tree)

class PagesController < ApplicationController
  include TheSortableTreeController::ReversedRebuild
  # any code here

Extend your Routes

resources :pages do
  collection do
    get :manage
    post :rebuild

manage action or any else action for show sortable tree

rebuild action is required action for correctly work of the_sortable_tree

Find your tree

class PagesController < ApplicationController
  include TheSortableTreeController::Rebuild

  def manage
    @pages = Page.nested_set.all

  # any code here


class PagesController < ApplicationController
  include TheSortableTreeController::ReversedRebuild

  def manage
    @pages = Page.reversed_nested_set.all

  # any code here

Render your tree with TheSortableTree (Haml markup)

- content_for :css do
  = stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree', :media => :screen
- content_for :js do
  = javascript_include_tag 'jquery.ui.nestedSortable'

= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :max_levels => 4

or (without administrator controls and drag&drop)

- content_for :css do
  = stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree_min', :media => :screen

= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :path => 'the_sortable_tree_min'

Customize tree for User (min version)

Use sortable_tree as view helper for simple rendering of nested_set tree

rails g the_sortable_tree:views pages min

It's will generate minimal set of view partials for sortable_tree helper

create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_children.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_node.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_link.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree_min/_tree.html.haml

Just use it or Customize and use it!

- content_for :css do
  = stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree_min', :media => :screen
= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :path => 'pages/the_sortable_tree_min'

Customize tree for Administrator (full version)

rails g the_sortable_tree:views pages

It's will generate view partials for sortable_tree helper

create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_controls.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_node.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_js_init_sortable_tree.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_js_on_update_tree.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_js_rebuild_ajax.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_link.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_children.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_new.html.haml
create  app/views/pages/the_sortable_tree/_tree.html.haml

Customize and use it!

- content_for :css do
  = stylesheet_link_tag 'the_sortable_tree', :media => :screen
- content_for :js do
  = javascript_include_tag 'jquery.ui.nestedSortable'

= sortable_tree @pages, :new_url => new_page_path, :path => 'pages/the_sortable_tree', :max_levels => 2


_tree - root container for nested set elements

_node - element of tree (link to current node and nested set of children)

_link - decoration of link to current element of tree

_children - decoration of children

_new - create new element link

_controls - control elements for current node

_js_init_sortable_tree - JS for sortable tree

_js_on_update_tree- JS for sortable tree

_js_rebuild_ajax- JS for sortable tree
