TextFlight Client

A command-line client for the TextFlight.

TextFlight is a space-based text adventure MMO.

# TextFlight character
faction: nibiru

One of the first computer games I played was Zork I on an Apple IIc. The first program of any significance that I wrote was a text-based adventure in C# based on my experiences as student worker at the Physical Sciences library at UMass Amherst. I played way too much BatMUD in the early nineties and early 2000s.


I develop and test on macOS. The GitHub Actions run rspec tests on Ubuntu.

I install dependencies with Homebrew.

  • Ruby >= 2.7.0
  • sqlite3
  • readline
  • socat (essential for debugging)


To run integration tests and debug, a TextFlight server needs to be running locally. There are two options: building the server yourself or using the docker container. Find the instructions for building the server yourself at the bottom of this document.


The client has a Docker container that starts the server with SSL enabled.

$ bundle exec rake server
docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans
ssl_1  | 2020-12-09 06:48:58,318 INFO:Loaded quest 'Refueling'.
ssl_1  | 2020-12-09 06:48:58,318 INFO:Loaded quest 'Base Building'.
ssl_1  | 2020-12-09 06:48:58,319 INFO:Loaded quest 'Starting Colonies'.

The certificate is self-signed, so the client should not try to verify the Certificate Authority.

# Connect to the native client: socat
$ socat readline ssl:localhost:10000,verify=0

^ also a rake task: bundle exec rake socat

# Connect with bin/client.rb
# --dev flag turns off certificate validation.
$ bundle exec bin/client.rb --dev


$ bundle install
$ bundle exec spec/lib

Integration tests require standing up the TextFlight server locally (see the Developing section above).

$ bundle install
$ bundle  exec spec/integration


  • [ ] stand up thor to improve cli
  • [ ] improve 'set' command
    • engines | on
    • mining | on
    • prepare to launch
    • prepare to land
  • [ ] improve the prompt
  • [ ] run 'nav' automatically after jump
  • [ ] handle the craft response
  • [ ] improve craft command (craft all [recipe])
  • [ ] improve the load command (mv all to )


Build It Yourself

$ git clone https://leagueh.xyz/git/textflight/.git/

The server requires Python 3.x; I use 3.9.0. I use pyenv to manage Python versions. Other than that, I don't know anything about Python (my Algorithms class at Smith in 2001 was in Python...) or how to configure Python on macOS. There is a little documentation in the textflight/README.md

# Run the server like this:
$ cd textflight
$ pip3 install bcrypt
$ src/main.py
2020-12-04 23:17:25,110 INFO:Loaded quest 'Base Building'.
2020-12-04 23:17:25,110 INFO:Loaded quest 'Starting Colonies'.

# In another terminal, connect to the server like this:
$ socat readline tcp:leagueh.xyz:10000


If you want to use openssl, install with brew openssl and use /usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl instead of Apple's LibreSSL.

1. In the server directory, generate a self-sign cert.

$ cd textflight
$ mkdir -p certs
# change the -subj
$ /usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl \
  req -x509 \
  -newkey rsa:4096 \
  -keyout certs/key.pem \
  -out certs/cert.pem \
  -days 365 \
  -nodes \
  -subj "/C=DE/ST=BW/L=Konstanz/O=nibiru/OU=Org/CN=localhost"

2. Install a textflight.conf and update the conf to use SSL
$ cp textflight.conf.example textflight.conf
SSL = true
SSLCert = certs/cert.pem
SSLKey = certs/key.pem

3. Start the server.
$ src/main.py

4. Connect the client.  Without verify=0, the client will refuse
   to connect with an error "unknown ca" (certificate authority).
# Test connection with socat
$ socat readline ssl:localhost:10000,verify=0

# Or with this client
$ bin/client.rb --dev