Welcome to TestInternals

TestInternals patches Test::Unit::TestCase to allow testing of private methods, as well as variables. The stack trace is also available, including the ability to check that specific parameters were sent to a method. This results in cotton candy goodness for all.

Getting Started

  1. Install TestInternals at the command prompt if you haven’t yet:

    gem install test_internals
  2. Require the gem in your Gemfile:

    gem 'test_internals', '~> 2.0.0'
  3. Require the gem wherever you need to use it:

    require 'test_internals'

Overriding Default Behavior

To call methods that enable functionality or to override variable settings, add an initialize method to your test and call the desired method, calling super after:

def initialize
  @class = MyClass
  init_object(param1, param2, ...)
  # ...

NOTE: If it is not included in this example, it is not expected to be used in the initialize method.

Instance Variables


The @class variable, will exist for every test. The class is inferred from the name of the test. For example, a class named MyClass is expected to be tested by a class named MyClassTest.

The default behavior may be overridden by specifying the class in the initialize method of your test as shown above.


This is only non-nil if init_object has been called in the initialize method (and the class responds to the :new method). See rdoc for additional details.

Additional Notes

  • Methods marked protected are intended to be used by sub-classes.

  • Methods marked private are intended to be used only by the class itself and are NOT intended for use in sub-classes. If they are, results may be unpredictable.

  • When send_to_class or send_to_object are called, the calls are wrapped such that output is captured and not sent to the console. The output may be retrieved via the following methods:

    out        #=> output to stdout
    err        #=> output to stderr
    real_finis #=> An array [out, err]

Additional Documentation

rake rdoc:app


TestInternals is released under the LGPLv3 license.