
Templater is a system for generating files. Templater has the ability to both copy files from A to B and also to render templates using ERB. Templater consists of four parts:

  • Actions (File copying routines, templates generation and directories creation routines).

  • Generators (set of rules).

  • Manifolds (generator suites).

  • The command line interface.

Hierarchy is pretty simple: manifold has one or many public and private generators. Public ones are supposed to be called by end user. Generators have one or more action that specify what they do, where they take files, how they name resulting files and so forth.

Idea behind Templater

Templater is designed to be flexible and designed to be reflective. Generators created with templater are definitions of what goes where, they provide no interface for the user. This allows you to use templater generators inside your own code, or with the bundled CLI interface, or with your own interface.


This is how to create a very simple system for generating things:

module MyGenerators

  extend Templater::Manifold

  class BlogGenerator < Templater::Generator
    # directory this generator uses as source root when searching

# for files, directories, templates

def self.source_root
  File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')

# uses blog.rbt template (note conventional trailing t) # placing resulting file to blog.rb relatively to # destination root

template :blog, 'blog.rb'

# does simple copy of me.jpg placing resulting file to me.jpg relatively to # destination root

file :me, 'me.jpg'

# creates empty directory public/javascripts relatively to # destination root empty_directory :javascripts, File.join(“public”, “javascripts”)


class WikiGenerator < Templater::Generator

  def self.source_root
    File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')

  template :wiki, 'wiki.rb'
  file :img, 'wiki.jpg'


# The generators are added to the manifold, and assigned the names ‘wiki’ and ‘blog’. # So you can call them <script name> blog merb-blog-in-10-minutes and # <script name> blog merb-wiki-in-10-minutes, respectively

  add :blog, BlogGenerator
  add :wiki, WikiGenerator


# registers manifold with command line interface

MyGenerators.run_cli Dir.pwd, 'my_generators', '0.1', ARGV

The generator classes override the source_root method to specify where templates will be located. All subclasses of Templater::Generator that have any actions must do this. The template and file methods add actions to the generator. In the first case, a template that is rendered with ERB and then put in its destination location, in the other case a file that is copied. empty_directory action creates empty directory under destination root.

Neither manifolds or generators actually do anything by themselves, they are just abstract representations. The last line invokes the command-line-interface, which fetches the desired generator, tells it to render its templates and checks with the user if there are any problems. The generators can easily be used without the command-line-interface, so it is easy to construct an alternative interface.

Invoking other generators

Generators can invoke other generators, a WikiBlog generator that creates both a Wiki and a Blog could look like this:

module MyGenerators

  extend Templater::Manifold

  class WikiBlogGenerator < Templater::Generator

    invoke :wiki
    invoke :blog


  add :wiki_blog, WikiBlogGenerator


It needs no source_root, since it has no actions. The generators are invoked by their name in the manifold, not by their class name; this gives the system a great deal of flexibility.

Automatically adding actions

It can get tedious to declare each action, instead you can search in a given directory and automatically add all files to your generator, this is done with the glob! function.

class MyGenerator < Templater::Generator

  def self.source_root
    File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')



This will search the source root and add all files as actions.


Templates are processed using generator instance scope as binding, so every instance method available on your generator is available in template body.

There are a lot of ways of adding templates:

template :one_argument, 'source_and_destination.rb'

template :two_arguments, 'source.rb', 'destination.rb'

template :block do

template :expression, 'source.rb' '%some_instance_method%.rb'

In the last example, the characters enclosed in percentage signs will be replaced with the results of the instance method some_instance_method

Inside the templates normal ERB can be used. The templates are rendered in the same context as the generator instance, so generator instance methods can be called from inside the template.

<% if name %>
puts "My name is <%= name %>"
<% else %>
puts "I have no name"
<% end %>

If you need to render templates where the result should contain actual erb, simply use a double percentage sign, this will prevent the statement from being executed.

<%= 2 + 2 %>
<%%= 2 + 2 %>

will result in

<%= 2 + 2 %>


Sometimes it might be desirable to add a callback to your actions, an example might be to chmod a binary file after it is created.

class MyGenerator < Templater::Generator
  template :something, 'something.rb', :after => :chmod

  def chmod(action)
    File.chmod(action.destination, 0750)

An advanced example

A generator for creating a model class, such as it used by Merb or Rails, could look like this:

module Merb::Generators

  class ModelGenerator < ComponentGenerator

    def self.source_root
      File.join(super, 'model')

# description end users see next to generator name

desc <<-DESC
  This is a model generator

# options generator takes, their metadata, like description or arguments type

option :testing_framework, :desc => 'Specify which testing framework to use (spec, test_unit)'
option :orm, :desc => 'Specify which Object-Relation Mapper to use (none, activerecord, datamapper, sequel)'

# you may use shortcuts for first 4 option positions

    first_argument :name, :required => true
    second_argument :attributes, :as => :hash, :default => {}

    invoke :migration do |generator|
      generator.new(destination_root, options.merge(:model => true), name, attributes)

    template :model, :orm => :none do
      destination('app/models/' + file_name + '.rb')

    template :model_activerecord, :orm => :activerecord do
      destination('app/models/' + file_name + '.rb')

    template :model_datamapper, :orm => :datamapper do
      destination('app/models/' + file_name + '.rb')

    template :model_sequel, :orm => :sequel do
      destination('app/models/' + file_name + '.rb')

    template :spec, :testing_framework => :rspec do
      destination('spec/models/' + file_name + '_spec.rb')

    template :test_unit, :testing_framework => :test_unit do
      destination('test/models/' + file_name + '_test.rb')

    def class_name

    def test_class_name
      self.class_name + "Test"

    def file_name


  add :model, ModelGenerator
