TeamCity Service Messages

If TeamCity doesn't support your testing framework or build runner out of the box, you can still avail yourself of many TeamCity benefits by customizing your build scripts to interact with the TeamCity server. This makes a wide range of features available to any team regardless of their testing frameworks and runners. Some of these features include displaying real-time test results and customized statistics, changing the build status, and publishing artifacts before the build is finished.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'teamcity_service_messages'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install teamcity_service_messages


Use this module to print TeamCity service messages to the console from your Rake build (or any other application, really).

require 'teamcity_service_messages'

The package currently supports publishArtifacts and importData. Message escaping is not built in, please escape your own input.

task :publish_artifacts do
  build_artifacts.each { |file| TeamCity::ServiceMessages.publish_artifacts file }

task :import_nunit_results do 
  nunit_results.each { |file| TeamCity::ServiceMessages.import_data 'nunit', file }

The messages will only print if the current build is a TeamCity controlled build. This is determined by testing if the environment includes the well known TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME variable.


You can spoof this by setting the environment on the Rake command

cmd> rake TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME='local-build'

You can also test if the current build is running on a TeamCity agent, determined by the existance of the expected agent directory, c:/BuildAgent. This is easily spoofed for testing.


Release Notes


  • Supports messages: importData and publishArtifacts
  • New module structure, top level TeamCity and the messages are in ServiceMessage