teambox-things-sync lets you sync your Things todos to and from Teambox.

It fetches todos from remote teambox app (project, task name, due date, task list name) and updates completed ones in both ways. Project (named like the one in teambox) will be created in Things if necessary. By default only tasks assigned to you are imported.


Firstly, create a file $HOME/.teambox with these values:

username: your_teambox_username_or_email
password: password

# and an optional: (default set to

Then, install gem from rubygems:

gem install teambox-things-sync

If you got error please add sudo before the command.


Now you can run:


You should see output with names of imported tasks.

If it worked, you can add it to your crontab. Type crontab -e in Terminal and add this line:

1,31 * * * * teambox-things-sync > /dev/null 2>&1

Or if you're using RVM:

1,31 * * * * source /Users/username/.rvm/scripts/rvm && rvm use rubyver@gemset && teambox-things-sync > /dev/null 2>&1

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