
tddium takes the pain out of running Selenium testing in cloud.

It automatically starts private Amazon EC2 Instances, runs your test, collect results, and cleans up the EC2 resources it used so you only pay for what you use.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for an EC2 account, by going here:

    Note that if you have a personal Amazon account, you’ll want to make a new one for Amazon Web Services.

    The registration process generates a variety of certificates and keys. Please keep track of them.

  2. Note your AWS Access Key and AWS Secret. You can find them by the following steps:

    • go to the AWS Management Console

    • click on the “Account” link in the upper navigation menu

    • click on “Security Credentials”

    • scroll down to the first section “Access Credentials”

    • the Access Key is a 20-character alphabetic string. The Secret is hidden. Click the ‘show’ link to reveal it.

  3. In the AWS Management Console, create a selenium-grid security group, and create rules for:

    • allow dest port 4444 (Selenium-Grid)

    • allow dest port 5900 (Windows Remote Desktop)

    • allow http

    • allow https

    • allow vnc

    • allow ssh

  4. In the AWS Management Console, create a keypair called sg-keypair.

  5. Subscribe to tddium:

    Subscribe your Amazon EC2 account to tddium here:

  6. Start using tddium:

    $ tddium config:init

    # Asks you for the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret

    $ tddium test:sequential

    # Starts an EC2 Instance, sets SELENIUM_RC_HOST to it, and runs */_spec.rb in sequence

Copyright © 2010 Jay Moorthi. See LICENSE.txt for further details.