Tau Build Status Gem Version

Tau provides you write code of webpages using modern technologies such as haml, sass, coffee-script. You dont't need to compile your code to HTML and CSS by hand everytime you something change.


You need ruby version 1.9.3 installed. See rvm.


gem install tau


It's pretty simple.

Getting started

  1. Start new coding project and switch to that. In the command prompt run:

    tau new example.com; cd example.com (where example.com is the project name)

  2. Create html or haml file on code directory:

    echo '%h1 Hello <strong>tau</strong>!' > code/hello.haml

  3. Start server and go to http://localhost:15000/hello.html:

    tau server

Attend even if you write hello.haml file you can see it by hello.html in browser.

Creating new project

Run tau new projectname and tau will make directory tree for you:

|--code - for your .html and .haml files
|  |--js - for .js and .coffee files
|  |--css - for .css, .sass and .scss
|  `--img - for any type of images
`--tau.yaml - config file


Run tau server in your project directory. Then put any html or haml files into code directory, js or coffee files into code/js, css, sass or scss into code/css. Now you can view files in browser by http://localhost:15000/page.html or http://localhost:15000/css/style.css or http://localhost:15000/js/script.js.

Attend that tau changes files extensions in browser from haml to html, from coffee to js, from sass and scss to css. For example if you have code/js/myscript.coffee file you can see it in browser by http://localhost:15000/js/myscript.js.

In html or haml file you can include scripts written in coffee and styles written in sass or scss. For example if you have code/js/script.coffee script and code/js/style.sass spreadsheet you can include it to html by lines:

    <script src='js/script.js'></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

Anytime you change any file you can see updated version in browser. You don't need to compile anything by hand.

Building project

If you want to compile all files for releasing it in internet you don't need do it by hand. tau build command compiles all sass, haml and other files and put them into build/ directory. Any files from img directory and not a haml, sass or coffee-script files will copied without any changes. For example:

code/index.haml  ->  build/index.html
code/js/script.coffee  ->  build/js/script.js
code/img/logo.png  ->  build/img/logo.png
code/humans.txt  ->  build/humans.txt


You can use tau by MIT License.


Feel free to fork and pull request.