
Its ruby client for Tarantool Key-Value Storage.


gem install tarantool


require 'tarantool'

To be able to send requests to the server, you must initialize Tarantool and Tarantool space. Space could be initialized with definition of fields types (and names) or without (which is not recommended).

Available field types:

  • :int, :integer - nonnegative 32 bit integer
  • :int64, :integer64 - nonnegative 64 bit integer
  • :varint - 32bit or 64bit integer, depending on value
  • :str, :string - UTF-8 string (attention: empty string and every string started with "\x00" is prepended with "\x00", which is cut on load. It is done to distinguish empty string from nil)
  • :bytes - ASCII8-bit
  • :auto - do not use it (used for space without definition)
  • any object with #encode and #decode methods (note: Tarantool itself has no notion of types - it stores only 'bytestrings'. So nil is stored as empty 'bytestring', and every empty 'bytestring' fetched is converted to nil, despite field type)

Declaration of indexes is optional for array spaces and required for hash spaces. When there is no indexes defined for space array, their behaviour is not fixes, so that is up to you to specify right amount of values for that indexes.

DB = Tarantool.new host: 'locahost', port: 33013
space_array_without_definition = DB.space 0

space_array = DB.space 1, [:int, :str, :int], keys: [0, [1,2]]

 # last integer specifies tuples tail pattern
 # note, that two indexes are defined here
space_array_with_tail = DB.space 2, [:int, :str, :str, :int, 2], keys: [0, 1]

 # space, which returns hashes
space_hash = DB.space 1, {id: int, name: :str, score: :int}, keys: [:id, [:name, :score]]
space_hash_with_tail = DB.space 2, {id: int, name: :str, _tail: [:str, :int]}, keys: [:id, :name]

The driver internals can work in three modes:

  • blocking via TCPSocket
  • callback style via EventMachine
  • EM::Synchrony like via EventMachine and fibers, so that control flow is visually blocked, but eventloop is not (see EM::Synchrony)
  DB_SYNC = Tarantool.new host: 'localhost', port: 33013, type: :block
  DB_CALLBACK = Tarantool.new host: 'localhost', port: 33013, type: :em_callback || :em_cb
  DB_FIBER = Tarantool.new host: 'localhost', port: 33013, type: :em_fiber || :em

Blocking and Fibered interfaces look similar:

  space = (DB_SYNC || DB_FIBER).space 0, [:str, :str, :str], keys: 0
  # EM.synchrony do
    space.insert ['prepor', 'Andrew', '[email protected]']
    res = space.by_pk 'prepor' # || ['prepor']
    res = space.first_by_key 0, 'prepor' # || ['prepor']
    res = space.select 0, ['prepor']
    puts "Name: #{res[1]}; Email: #{res[2]}"
    space.delete 'prepor'
  # EM.stop
  # end

Callback interface is a bit different:

space = DB_CALLBACK.space 0, [:str, :str, :str], keys: 0
EM.schedule do
  space.insert ['prepor', 'Andrew', '[email protected]'] do |res|
    if Exception === res
      space.by_pk 'prepor' do |res|
        if Exception === res
          puts "Name: #{res[1]}; Email: #{res[2]}"
          space.delete 'prepor' do |res|
            catch_error  if Exception === res

Notice Blocking Tarantool connections are not threadsafe. So, you should create Tarantool instance per thread.


LightRecord is a light model with callbacks ala Sequel. It is not aware about ActiveModel goodness. For ActiveModel avare record look for tarantool-record gem

require 'tarantool/light_record'
require 'tarantool/serializers/bson'
class User < Tarantool::Record
  field :login, :string
  field :name, :string
  field :email, :string
  field :apples_count, :integer, default: 0
  field :info, :bson
  index :name, :email

  def after_init
    # some work

  def before_create
    # validation could occure here
    super # call super if all is allright, return false otherwise

# Now attribute positions are not important.
User.create login: 'prepor', email: '[email protected]', name: 'Andrew'
User.create login: 'ruden', name: 'Andrew', email: '[email protected]'

# find by primary key login
User.by_pk 'prepor'
User.first 'prepor'
User.first login: 'prepor'
User.find 'prepor'
# first 2 users with name Andrew
User.all({name: 'Andrew'}, limit: 2)
User.select({name: 'Andrew'}, limit: 2)
User.where(name: 'Andrew').limit(2).all
# second user with name Andrew
User.all({name: 'Andrew'}, offset: 1, limit: 1)[0]
User.select({name: 'Andrew'}, offset: 1, limit: 1)[0]
User.where(name: 'Andrew').offset(1).limit(1).all[0]
User.where(name: 'Andrew').offset(1).first
# user with name Andrew and email [email protected]
User.where(name: 'Andrew', email: '[email protected]').first
# raise exception, becouse we can't select query started from not first part of index
    User.where(email: '[email protected]')
rescue Tarantool::ArgumentError => e
# increment field apples_count by one. Its atomic operation via native Tarantool interface
User.find('prepor').increment :apples_count

# update all attributes (see tarantool-record gem for record, which updates only dirty attributes)
user = User.find('prepor')
user.name = "Petr"
user.update_attributes email: "[email protected]"  # calls callbacks as well as `save`
user.update email: "[email protected]" # do not calls callbacks, and reloads all fields

# field serialization to bson
user.info = { 'bio' => "hi!", 'age' => 23, 'hobbies' => ['mufa', 'tuka'] }
User.find('prepor').info['bio'] # => 'hi!'
# delete record

When definining a record, field order is important: this is the order of fields in the tuple stored by Tarantool. By default, the primary key is field 0.

index method just mapping to your Tarantool schema, client doesn't modify schema for you.


  • .to_config
  • #first, #all without keys, batches requests via box.select_range
  • #where chains
  • admin-socket protocol
  • safe to add fields to exist model
  • Hash, Array and lambdas as default values
  • timers to response