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Tapioca is a library used to generate RBI (Ruby interface) files for use with Sorbet. RBI files provide the structure (classes, modules, methods, parameters) of the gem/library to Sorbet to assist with typechecking.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'tapioca', '~> 0.1.2', require: false

and do not forget to execute tapioca using bundler:

$ bundle exec tapioca
  tapioca bundle             # sync RBIs to Gemfile
  tapioca generate [gem...]  # generate RBIs from gems
  tapioca help [COMMAND]     # Describe available commands or one specific command

  --pre, -b, [--prerequire=file]              # A file to be required before Bundler.require is called
  --post, -a, [--postrequire=file]            # A file to be required after Bundler.require is called
  --out, -o, [--outdir=directory]             # The output directory for generated RBI files
                                              # Default: sorbet/rbi/gems
  --cmd, -c, [--generate-command=command]     # The command to run to regenerate RBI files
  --typed, -t, [--typed-overrides=gem:level]  # Overrides for typed sigils for generated gem RBIs


Generate for gems

Command: tapioca generate [gems...]

This will generate RBIs for the specified gems and place them in the RBI directory.

Generate for all gems in Gemfile

Command: tapioca bundle

This will sync the RBIs with the gems in the Gemfile and will add, update, and remove RBIs as necessary.


  • --prerequire [file]: A file to be required before Bundler.require is called.
  • --postrequire [file]: A file to be required after Bundler.require is called.
  • --out [directory]: The output directory for generated RBI files, default to sorbet/rbi/gems.
  • --generate_command [command]: The command to run to regenerate RBI files (used in header comment of the RBI files), defaults to the current command.
  • --typed_overrides [gem:level]: Overrides typed sigils for generated gem RBIs for gem gem to level level (level can be one of ignore, false, true, strict, or strong, see the Sorbet docs for more details).


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Shopify/tapioca. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.