Tap (Task Application)

tap n. to draw a supply from a resource

A configurable, distributable workflow framework.


Tap allows the construction of workflows that may be defined, configured, and run from the command line. The tasks and joins composing a workflow are easy to test, subclass, and distribute as gems.

Tap is the core of the Tap-Suite which provides a standard library of tasks, generators, and test utilities.


Tasks are defined as subclasses of Tap::Task.

# Goodnight::task your basic goodnight moon task
# Says goodnight with a configurable message.
class Goodnight < Tap::Task
  config :message, 'goodnight'           # a goodnight message
  def process(name)
    "#{message} #{name}"

Tap automatically discovers tasks.

% tap run -T
    goodnight   # your basic goodnight moon task
    dump        # the default dump task
    load        # the default load task

And generates command line documentation.

% tap run -- goodnight --help
Goodnight -- your basic goodnight moon task
  Says goodnight with a configurable message.
usage: tap run -- goodnight NAME
        --message MESSAGE            a goodnight message
        --help                       Print this help
        --enque                      Manually enques self
        --config FILE                Specifies a config file

Tasks are immediately available for use in workflows, and may be configured as if they were individual executables. This workflow joins the goodnight task to a dump task, which prints the message to stdout.

% tap run -- goodnight moon --: dump
goodnight moon
% tap run -- goodnight world --message hello --: dump
hello world

Workflow Syntax

Workflows are specified on the command line using argument vectors separated by option breaks (ie ‘–’). The argument vectors define the tasks while modifications to the breaks specify joins.

A simple sequence.

% tap run -- load 'goodnight moon' --: dump
goodnight moon

A more formal way of specifying a sequence.

% tap run -- load 'goodnight moon' -- dump --[0][1]
goodnight moon

A fork.

% tap run -- load 'goodnight moon' -- dump -- dump --[0][1,2]
goodnight moon
goodnight moon

A merge (note that dump receives the inputs in serial).

% tap run -- load goodnight -- load moon -- dump --[0,1][2]

A synchronized merge (the printout is ['goodnight', 'moon'].to_s).

% tap run -- load goodnight -- load moon -- dump --[0,1][2].sync


Tap is available as a gem on Gemcutter.

% gem install tap



Simon Chiang

