Gem Version CI is pasing for ruby 2.6 - 3.0 Downloads


Library can be used to render your data to a console. Though it's quite simple, but has many features.

How to use

  1. Install the gem bundle add tabled or gem install tabled
  2. Add to the application require 'tabled''
  3. Pass to the application array of rows. Each row may have any amount of columns and optional footer text.

Params for Tabled instance

Tabled accepts two params. Data which is prohibited and options. Available options:

  1. framed - optional, default is true
  2. row_separator - optional, default is -. Can be nil if you don't need separate rows.
  3. titles - optional parameter with list of columns titles

More examples in demo.rb

Simple data structure

data = [
  ["Helena", "20 years", "Female"],
  ["John", "18 years", "Male"],
  ["Alan", "23 years", "Male"],
], framed: false,
           row_separator: nil).print_to_console


Helena  20 years  Female
John    18 years  Male
Alan    23 years  Male
data = [
  ["Helena", "20 years", "Female"],
  ["John", "18 years", "Male", { footer: "Legendary assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves)." }],
  ["Alan", "23 years", "Male"],
], row_separator: nil).print_to_console


| Helena 20 years Female                                       |
| John   18 years Male                                         |
| Legendary assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves).                 |
| Alan   23 years Male                                         |

Export data to CSV or JSON file

Passed data can be exported as a file. Available formats are csv and json. Both parameters are optional. By default, file will be saved in the current directory and with file name tabled.csv and file format is CSV.

data = [
  ["Helena", "20 years", "Female"],


data = [
  ["Helena", "20 years", "Female"],

  .new(data, titles: ['Name', 'Age', 'Gender'])
  .export_to_csv(format: :json)

Printing CSV files to console

As a part of the gem tabled binary is included. So, you can basicaly run it like:

tabled print path_to_csv_file


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  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request