

SystemNavigation is a Ruby library that provides additional introspection capabilities for Ruby programs. The library defines a number of useful methods that allow querying:

  • methods for instance, class or global variables
  • methods for literals such as numbers, strings, symbols, etc.
  • methods for finding a specific string (method source search)
  • classes and modules that implement given methods
  • classes and modules that send messages
  • all classes and modules in gems
  • and many more...

For the complete list of features please read the documentation or read the tests. All interaction with the library is done via the SystemNavigation class and its class methods. The description of the methods can be found in these places:

Examples (full list in the documentation)


Retrieve all methods that access instance variables in the given class/module including its ancestors and children.

module M
  def increment
    @num + 1

class A
  include M

  attr_reader :num

  def initialize(num)
    @num = num

sn = SystemNavigation.default

sn.all_accesses(to: :@num, from: A)
#=> [#<UnboundMethod: A#num>, #<UnboundMethod: A(M)#increment>, #<UnboundMethod: A#initialize>]

Find all classes and modules that implement the given message.

sn = SystemNavigation.default

#=> [ARGF.class, IO, Kernel, ..., YARD::Logger]

Find all methods in Bundler that invoke the 1 literal.

require 'bundler'

sn = SystemNavigation.default

sn.all_calls(on: 1, gem: 'bundler')
#=> [#<UnboundMethod: #<Class:Bundler>#with_clean_env>, #<UnboundMethod: #<Class:Bundler>#eval_gemspec>]

Retrieve all objects defined in the system.

sn = SystemNavigation.default #=> 158

And many more...


All you need is to install the gem.

gem install system_navigation


Supports only CRuby.

  • CRuby 2.2.2 and higher


  • Inspired by Smalltalk


The project uses Zlib License. See LICENCE.txt file for more information.