

Ruby 1.8.0 or later.

MS Windows

Ruby 1.8.2 or later.  Earlier versions segfault due to OLE bugs.
Active WMI service (normally on by default).



ruby extconf.rb
ruby test/tc_uname.rb (optional)
make site-install

MS Windows

ruby test\tc_uname.rb (optional)
ruby install.rb


require 'sys/uname'
include Sys

p Uname.uname

Solaris Notes

Folks building this package on SunOS get two extra methods: architecture()
and platform()

OS X Notes

OS X users get the extra method "model()".

HP-UX Notes

HP-UX users get the extra method "id()".  This is actually a String, not
a Fixnum, because that's how it's defined in the utsname struct.

MS Windows Notes

The C version for Windows has been completely scrapped in favor of an OLE
plus WMI approach.  It is pure Ruby.  Please see the MSDN documentation for
the Win32_OperatingSystem class for a complete list of what each of the
UnameStruct members mean.


For more details, see the 'uname.txt' file under the 'doc' directory.