
This is a ruby gem for Sydecar API


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add sydecar

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install sydecar

Supported endpoints:

  1. Person: create, find, update, find_all, kyc
  2. Entity: create, find, update, find_all
  3. Profile: find, activate_spv, deactivate_spv, find_all, accreditation_qualification_opts
  4. Bank Account: create, find, update, find_all, delete
  5. Vendor: create, find, update, find_all
  6. Expense: create, find, update, find_all, delete, pay, cancel
  7. SPV: create, find, update, find_all, initiate_close, disburse_close, counter_sign_close, request_approval, request_bank_account, disbursements, adjust_disbursements, adjust_fund_deal_investments
  8. Subscription: create, funding_countries_list, find, update, delete, create_agreement_preview, create_virtual_bank_account, set_balance, sign, amend, send_ach_with_plaid, refund_ach_with_plaid, refund, find_all
  9. Document: find, delete, preview, sign, required_fields, sign_arbitrary, find_all, download, upload

Example usage:

  1. Create a Person: body = {...} # put your data here person = Sydecar::Person.create(body: body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  2. Create an Entity: entity_body = {...} # put your data here entity = Sydecar::Entity.create(body: entity_body)
  3. Create an Entity Profile: entity_profile_body = {...} # put your data here entity_profile_body['person_id'] = person.body['id'] profile = Sydecar::Profile::Entity.create(body: entity_profile_body)
  4. Create Bank Account: bank_account_body['profile_ids'] = [profile.body['id']] bank = Sydecar::BankAccount.create(body: bank_account_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  5. Create SPV: spv_body = {...} spv_body['spv_lead_profile_id'] = profile.body['id'] spv = Sydecar::Spv.create(body: spv_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  6. Create a Vendor: vendor_body = {...} vendor = Sydecar::Vendor(body: vendor_body)
  7. Create Expense: expense_body = {...} expense_body['spv_id'] = spv.body['id'] expense_body['vendor_id'] = vendor.body['id'] expense = Sydecar::Expense.create(body: expense_body)
  8. Create a Subscription: sub_body = {...} sub_body['spv_id'] = spv.body['id'] sub_body['subscriptions'][0]['profile_id'] = profile.body['id'] subscription = Sydecar::Subscription.create(body: sub_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')
  9. Upload a Document: ``` doc_boby = { type: 'DRAFT_INVESTMENT', name: 'file_name', # Faraday expects here just name without extension profile_id: profile.body['id'], # it's possible to set only 1 id from the following list spv_id: spv.body['id'], subscription_id: subscription.body['id'], expense_id: expense.body['id'] }

doc = Sydecar::Document.upload(body: doc_body, idempotency_key: 'unique')

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

## How to Publish Changes
1. gem build sydecar.gemspec
2. gem push sydecar-x.x.x.gem

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](