
A simple project that processes bytecode transforming methods annotated with the annotation @RunInEDT and @RunOutsideEDT

A method annotated with @RunInEDT may be transformed into something like

void method() { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { method(); } ); return; }

 // do method code here, guaranteed to be in EDT


Installing the IDEA plugin

The plugin is available in JetBrains repos. To install, simply go to "File > Settings > Plugins > Available" and select the SwungWeave plugin from the list of available plugins and install it.

How it works

For each module of the project with the SwungWeave facet, the plugin looks for a class named org.realityforge.swung_weave.tool.Main in its classpath. If found, it scans all the classes of the module in its main and test output directories and enhances the annotated methods using it.