© 2008-02-02 Philipp Hofmann <[email protected]>

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swint is an entirely in Ruby written client for the Swarm Intelligence programming game originally created by Stefan Schwarzburg.


swint race [options]
swint asc2map <filename>


-r|--robot <uri>         supply a URL to your robot's XMLRPC
                         interface here, may be used repeatedly
-m|--map <filename>      supply a filename to the XML map of the game
-s|--step                visualize each step, not only each turn
-w|--wait                wait for input before each step
-v|--no-visual           turn off visuals
-t|--test                turn off the initial rotation of map
                         (better for testing)
-i|--statistics          display timing statistics
-e|--require <file>      require a ruby file
-c|--class               add a ruby robot class as player


A quick race on example.map
$ swint race -r 8000 -r 8001 -i

Testing your bot
$ swint race -r 8000 -s -t -m another.map

Converting an ascii-map to xml-map
$ swint asc2map ascii.map > xml.map

See Also:

Project Hompage: http://branch14.org/swint