SWF Ditty (swiff ditty)

A simple and flexible Sinatra helper for embedding SWFs in your views. Requires jQuery and jQuery SWFObject.


Install gemcutter if you haven’t already:

sudo gem install gemcutter
gem tumble

Install the ratpack gem:

sudo gem install swf_ditty

Drop this line in your app:

gem 'swf_ditty'
require 'sinatra/swf_ditty'


The following example assumes you’re using haml and my ratpack helpers gem (for the ‘javascript_include_tag` method):

    =javascript_include_tag %w(jquery-1.3.2.min jquery.swfobject.1-0-7.min)
    = swf 'my_swf.swf'
    = swf 'subdirectory/of/public/another.swf', :width => 500, :height => 300
    = swf 'http://example.com/yet_another.swf', :wmode => 'opaque'

Passing in FlashVars is easy:

= swf 'swf/foo.swf', :flashvars => {:foo => 'chacha', :bar => 250}

By default, a DOM element is automatically created based on a variation of the swf filename, but you can override it like so:

= swf 'swf/foo.swf', :dom_id => 'custom_dom_dom_doobie', :create_dom_container => false

See full auto-generated documentation at rdoc.info/projects/zeke/swf_ditty


Copyright © 2009 Zeke Sikelianos. See LICENSE for details.