Sunspot Cell Jars


This happy little gem will install the jars that you need for the very wonderful sunspot_cell project found here on github.

Before you install

These jars might give you trouble on the current version of sunspot_solr (though I have not checked). You might want to use my updated fork, which uses solr 3.5:

# If you want to load it for test and development
group :test, :development do 
  gem 'sunspot_solr', :git => ""

Also, you are going to want to use a version of `sunspot_cell` that is up to date with the newest 1.3.x release. I am using:


First, make sure that you have `sunspot_solr` installed and in your Gemfile.

In your Gemfile add:

gem 'sunspot_cell_jars', :git => '' 

Do a `bundle install`

and then run:

rails g sunspot_cell_jars:install

and you are on your way!

Note: this gem does not actually configure sunspot_cell, it just installs the jars needed to make extaction work.


Fork on GitHub and after you’ve committed tested patches, send a pull request.

An example Gemfile

For my setup, I am using:

gem 'sunspot_rails', '~> 1.3.0'
gem 'sunspot_cell', :git => 'git://'
gem 'sunspot_rails', '~> 1.3.0'
gem 'sunspot_test'

group :development, :test do
  gem 'sunspot_cell_jars', :git => ''.
  gem 'sunspot_solr', :git => ""