

Sublimetheme is a Ruby package that allows you to easily create a Sublime text Color Scheme with with as little as six lines of code.


  • Any version of Ruby


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sublimetheme'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sublimetheme

or otherwise download the gem file

Module name


Contains a class Make that takes two arguments (Theme name) and (Author's name) and 162 other methods that takes no arguments. one of them is scopes() that prints out all the supported 161 programming languages available and their syntax highlight scopes. For example to print all the syntax highlight scopes for C++, just call .cpp() on your module. i.e. Sublimetheme.cpp()


Make has six methods which are:

  • start() --> This creates the xml header.
  • head() --> This creates the basic and most requireant features of your theme. e.g. foreground, background, caret, invisibles, line highlight, selection, find highlight, find highlight foreground, selection border and stack guide color. These are optional parameters too.
  • body() --> This is completely optional and is the main area for your color scheme customization. You can add as many body methods as possible. If none is given, you will have a slighly customized theme similar to Python's IDLE theme.
  • complete() --> This completes the theme.
  • readme() --> Although completely optional, it makes a file and this is useful if you want to publish it.
  • package() --> Although completely optional, it creates a packages.json file which is useful if you want to share your theme on the Package control website

Before you can use the Make class, you need to require the Sublimetheme module the following way

Method arguments

start() takes no arguments head() between 0 to 10 arguments (just like hashes) then supply a HEX color value to the hash symbol.

> options are:
    ag --> activeGuide
    bg --> background
    ct --> caret
    fg --> foreground
    fh --> findHighlight
    fhf --> findHighlightForeground
    gf --> gutterForeground
    gu --> guide
    gut --> gutter
    ins --> inactiveSelection
    inv --> invisibles
    lh --> lineHighlight
    sb --> selectionBorder
    se --> selection
    sg --> stackGuide

See example below.

body takes two arguments being (scope description) and (scope) and optional kwargs arguments (hash) whick keys can be combined. they are fg, fs and bg.

(See head options)

complete takes an optional UUID (Universally Unique identifier) argument. Although not necesssary but you wouldn't want your .tmTheme file to have the same UUID with other people's .tmTheme file. You can get a free one via an UUID online generator tool

readme takes three optional values (repository or dedicated website URL), (user email) and (image name e.g. preview.png)

If you ignore the third image link, no image section would be generated in the readme section. Likewise if no URL and email argument is provided, its readme section will be blank.

package This takes a repository URL and fills it into packages.json file which can then be copied into the necessary repository folder of the package control repo in github.


    require "sublimetheme"  

You can then use it by creating an instance of the Make class and calling the necessary methods.

    sample ="Teddy", "Mr Bean")
    sample.head(fg: "#000", bg: "#FFFFFF", ct: "#F00", inv: "#0FF", lh: "#004312", se: "#eeffee", fh: "#00BFFF", fhf: "f0f0f0", sb: "#E996F7", sg: "#abcdef")

    sample.body('Ruby: Numbers', 'constant.numeric.ruby', fs: 'italic', fg: '#f0f', bg: '#0ff')
    sample.body("C++ keyword", "keyword.control.c++", fs: "bold italic underline", fg: "#ff0000")

    sample.readme("", "[email protected]", "teddy.jpg")

This will generate an IDLE-like color scheme with two extra syntax highlighting for Ruby numbers and C++ keywords.

Make sure you follow the order of the called methods but you can add as many body elements as possible which must come before .complete() and after .head()


The Scopes method when used along 161 other methods is helpful for showing several programming language scopes. It lists all the 161 supported programming languages and their syntax highlight scopes. You can also view all the scopes directly on Github. You can then call your desired programming language name to see all the syntax highlight scopes it supports.

Before you can use the scope method, you need to require the Sublimetheme module the following way


    require "sublimetheme"  

You can then use it by calling the method like the below example


This will print a result similar to this:

    Scope Name: scope
    Actionscript: source.actionscript
    Active4D: source.active4d
    Active4D_Html: text.html.strict.active4d
    Active4D_Ini: text.active4d-ini
    Active4D_Library: source.active4d.library
    Ada: source.ada

    .... etc ......

If you already know the language you want to use but need it's syntax highlighing scope then all you need do is call the method directly e.g.


will give a result similar to this:

    Scope name: source.c++


    ..... etc ......

Using locally

If you just want to use your .tmTheme locally, copy your generated .tmTheme into the sublime text packages

`Packages` --> `Color Scheme - Default`. 

You will then be able to use it by going to:

`Preferences` --> `Color Scheme - Default` --> `Themename`


I was inspired to write this package after creating my own Sublime text color scheme called Wildlife. It was a really tedious and energy drenching job but thank God this is now available for anyone and makes things easier to use.

All glory belongs to God for helping me in completing this. Without him, this couldn't have been written by me.


If further information or if help is needed, feel free to contact me on my email at [email protected]


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Copyright © 2015 Taiwo Kareem