
A styleguide generator for your rails app

This gem add a generator to your app, to generate a controller, view, css, and route for your app

The view contains all the common html tags, and it will take all the styles that you have code, no you can see the look of each tag.


Include it on your Gemfile

gem 'styleguide'

And install it

bundle install

thats all.


Once its installed you'll have a new Rails generator rails genereate styleguide:controller

for example if you want a stylguide with the name mystyleguide just:

rails genereate styleguide:controller mystyleguide

this will generateat

create  app/controllers/mystyleguides_controller.rb
create  app/views/mystyleguides/show.html.haml
create  public/stylesheets/mystyleguides.css
route  resource :mystyleguide, :only => :show


  • add rspec for routes
  • add blueprints and compass suport
  • create a fork for sinatra

About the Author

Crowd Interactive is an American web design and development company that happens to work in Colima, Mexico. We specialize in building and growing online retail stores. We don’t work with everyone, just companies we believe in. Call us today to see if there’s a fit. Find more info here!