Stupa client library for Ruby

A Ruby client for Stupa.

"Stupa is an associative search engine. You can search related documents with high performance and high precision. Since document data and inverted indexes are kept in memory, Stupa reflects updates of documents in search results in real time."

The current SVN code of Stupa contains a fast HTTP API built on libevent. This is what this library connects to.


require 'stupa'

client = "localhost", port: 22122)

# delete all entries

# get the number of entries in the database
size = client.size

# record a couple key/features tuples
client.add('key1' => 'feat1')
client.add('key2' => 'feat2', 'key3' => 'feat3')
client.add('key4' => ['feat4', 'feat5', 'feat6'])

# delete keys
client.delete(['key1', 'key2'])

# dump the database'/var/db/stupa.db')

# load from a dump

# look for entries similar to key1
results = client.dsearch(query: 'key1')
results = client.dsearch(query: 'key1', max: 50)

# look for keys with matching features
results = client.fsearch(query: 'feat1')
results = client.fsearch(query: ['feat2', 'feat3'])
results = client.fsearch(query: ['feat2', 'feat3'], max: 50)


See LICENSE for details.