
A ruby wrapper of the awsome postscriptbarcode library.

Note: currently only PNG images are supported.

External Dependencies

  • You need to have ghostscript installed and the gs command in your PATH.
  • If you want to use the width option you also need the mogrify command in your PATH, which is part of the imagemagick library.


Add it to your Gemfile

gem 'strokes'

or install the gem directly

gem install strokes


Using the gem directly

require 'strokes'

code =, '')'/tmp/test.png')

# if you want to resize the image to a width of 200 pixels'/tmp/test.png', :width => 200)

Barcodes including text will be a bit blurry after resizing (if you have an idea how to fix that, I will be glad for your input)

Adding a barcode to your ActiveRecord model

It's as easy as:

require 'strokes'
require 'strokes/active_record'

class Barcode < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Strokes::ActiveRecord

  has_barcode :isbn, :isbn_number, { :small => 200, :medium => 400 }


It will generate three ISBN barcode images in the directory #{Rails.root}/barcodes/#{self.class.to_s.tableize}, the original sized image and the specified versions with 200 and 400 pixels width.

The parameters for the has_barcode method are:

  1. code type: one of the supported code types or a method returning one of them
  2. code value: a method returning the value of the code
  3. versions: a hash of the versions to create, i.e. { :small => 200, :medium => 400 }