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There are several methods in Ruby that use a default argument of a global variable; of those, Array#join and String#split are the main two that could potentially give you problems if someone sets the corresponding global variables to something other than the default. stricter_global_usage will raise an exception (default behavior) or give a runtime warning when you use a function and its argument falls back to the global variable - because chances are, that’s not the behavior you intended.


Currently, StricterGlobalUsage wraps Array#join and String#split, applying the specified strategy if one of those methods is called without explicit arguments.


require 'stricter_global_usage'

# default behavior:
%w(cat dog).join # => raises exception!
%w(cat dog).join($,) # => explictly uses default global variable

# warn instead of raising exceptions
'one two'.split # => warns, but effectively the same as `'one two'.split($;)`

# temporarily use a different strategy
::StricterGlobalUsage::Strategy.with(:silent) do
  'one two'.split # => will not raise or warn
%w(cat dog).join # => will warn again


StricterGlobalUsage does not depend on any other gems.


$ gem install stricter_global_usage

Copyright © 2012 Mark Rushakoff

Available under the terms of the MIT license.