The Streamsend Ruby Gem

A Ruby wrapper for the Streamsend API.


gem install streamsend-ruby


What's new in 0.0.2?

Added create method to Subscriber, added StreamSend::Audience, moved find method into Resource, and added a default rake task.


Everything! This is the initial gemified version forked from the original author salbertson.

Usage Examples

require "rubygems"
require "streamsend"

 = '1234567890AB'
key      = 'AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOp'
audience = 2

# Configure the connection
StreamSend.configure(, key)

# Get all subscribers for a specific audience
subscribers = StreamSend::Subscriber.all(audience)
puts subscribers.count # 100 <- current page limit

# Find a subscriber
subscriber = StreamSend::Subscriber.find(audience, '[email protected]')
puts subscriber.opt_status # "unsubscribed"