Streamio Magick

Simple yet powerful wrapper around imagemagick cli tools for reading metadata and transcoding images.


(sudo) gem install streamio-magick

You also need to make sure to have imagemagick installed and that the commands identify and convert are available to the ruby process.

This version is written against an imagemagick build from august 2010. So no guaranteed compatability with much earlier (or much later) versions.


Require the gem

require 'rubygems'
require 'streamio-magick'

Reading Metadata

image ="path/to/image.png")

image.width # 640 (width of the image in pixels)
image.height # 480 (height of the image in pixels)
image.size # 455546 (filesize in bytes)
image.codec # "PNG"

image.valid? # true (would be false if identify fails to read the image)


First argument is the output file path.

image.transcode("image.jpg") # Transcode to jpg format

Give custom command line options for the convert command with a string.

image.transcode("image.jpg", "-resize 320x240")

The transcode function returns an Image object for the encoded file.

transcoded_image = image.transcode("image.jpg", "-resize 320x240")

transcoded_image.width # 320
transcoded_image.height # 240
transcoded_image.codec # "JPEG"

Copyright © 2010 Streamio Networks AB. See LICENSE for details.