
Stay is a RESTful ajax inplace-editor helper based on jQuery and Unobustorsive javascript. Similar and inspired by best_in_place, with extra enchancement. Support TinyMCE as its editor.


Installation stay is simple. In Rails > 3.0 just add stay in your Gemfile:

  gem "tinymce-rails"
  gem "stay"

Then include the following Javascript include into your assets/javascript.js.

  //= require jquery
  //= require tinymce-jquery
  //= require stay

Then add javascript calling in your Javascript file


or if you're using CoffeScript use

  jQuery ->

Javascript Callback

Stay also accept callback arguments, currently Stay only have 3 callback attributes

  • beforeSend
  • onError
  • onSuccess

Below is the examples how to implement Stay with callbacks, call this javascript when initalize Stay

    beforeSend: function() {
      // Do whatever you want before data is being sent to server, e.g. display the loading bar
    onError: function(errs) {
      // This method takes one argument contains array of errors similar with Obj.errors in Rails
      return $.each(errs, function(key) {
        return alert(key + " " + errs[key]);
    onSuccess: function() {
      // Do whatever you want when server said OK, e.g. hide the loading bar


In your View

  stay object, field, OPTIONS{}

Call this helper in your view to build Stay


  stay @user, :name, type: :text_field

As default type will take :text_field, for now you can only pass :text_field, :text_area, :tiny_mce

Stay support sub-resources routes, therefore you can pass array into object param


  stay [@user, @article], :title, type: :text_area

You can use TinyMCE as text editor, just pass :tiny_mce to type


  stay [@user, @article], :body, type: :tiny_mce

This will use TinyMCE editor with "simple" theme, you can also change this theme by using

  stay [@user, @article], :body, type: [:tiny_mce, "advanced"]

Now you can pass width and height of tinyMCE using CSS string format


  stay [@user, @article], :body, type: [:tiny_mce, "advanced", "100%", "200px"]

Remember to put width and height respectively

When called, by default Stay triggered by clicking the displayed text on HTML page, submitted by blur, and cancelled by pressing ESC key on your keyboard. Stay accept external trigger, submit, and cancel button:

To use external activator, just passed activator: followed by id of HTML element id


  stay [@user, @article], :body, type: [:tiny_mce, "advanced"], activator: "#id_of_activator"

To use external submit button, just passed submitter: followed by id of HTML element id. Note that this external submit button will be hidden by Stay and will be visible once Stay editor is visible (stay triggered).

  stay [@user, @article], :body, type: [:tiny_mce, "advanced"], activator: "#id_of_activator", submitter: "#id_of_submit_button"

To use external cancel button, just passed canceller: followed by id of HTML element id Note that this external cancel button will be hidden by Stay and will be visible once Stay editor is visible (stay triggered). Due to Stay default submit event is triggered by blur Stay will raise ArgumentError if you specified external canceller without external submitter.

  stay [@user, @article], :body, type: [:tiny_mce, "advanced"], activator: "#id_of_activator", submitter: "#id_of_submit_button", canceller: "#id_of_cancel_button"

Example of complete use:

  <%= link_to "Click me to activate", "#", id: "activate_here" %>
  <%= stay [@user, @article], :body, type: :tiny_mce, activator: "#activate_here", submitter: "#submit_here" %>
  <%= link_to "Click me to submit", "#", id: "submit_here" #this will be hide by Stay %>

In your Controller

stay_response object

Example of complete use:

  def update
      user = User.find(params[:user_id])
      article = user.articles.find(params[:id])
      respond_to do |format|
          if article.update_attributes(params[:article])
              format.json { stay_response(article) }
              format.json { stay_response(article) }


Just some good releases changelog:


  • Complete rewrite Javascript, made it modular
  • Add ability to initialize Stay with callback


  • Add Canceller
  • Hide Submitter and Canceller until Stay is activated


  • Add error callback to the JSON


  • Initial release, February 4th 2012