
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.


Add the line below to your rails applciation Gemfile. This gem has only been tested with Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9.3 so far.

gem 'stationary', '0.0.1.pre'

After updating you gem set you can run the following to install the stationary at the root of your application.

rails g stationary:install

The install generator will add the engine routes into your applications config/routes.rb and also create a initializer file config/initializers/stationary.rb that shows some of the common configuraiton points for the engine.


# config/initializers/stationary.rb
#Stationary.configure do |config|
#  config.root               = "#{Rails.root}/app/views/site"
#  config.skip_before_fil


  • Fork
  • Add Failing/Feature Spec
  • Add code to make Spec pass
  • Send Pull Request