Build Status Code Climate # State Machines

State Machines adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'state_machines'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install state_machines



Below is an example of many of the features offered by this plugin, including:

  • Initial states
  • Namespaced states
  • Transition callbacks
  • Conditional transitions
  • State-driven instance behavior
  • Customized state values
  • Parallel events
  • Path analysis

Class definition:

```ruby class Vehicle attr_accessor :seatbelt_on, :time_used, :auto_shop_busy

state_machine :state, initial: :parked do before_transition parked: :any - :parked, do: :put_on_seatbelt

after_transition on: :crash, do: :tow
after_transition on: :repair, :do: :fix
after_transition any => :parked do |vehicle, transition|
  vehicle.seatbelt_on = false

after_failure on: :ignite, do: :log_start_failure

around_transition do |vehicle, transition, block|
  start =
  vehicle.time_used += - start

event :park do
  transition [:idling, :first_gear] => :parked

event :ignite do
  transition stalled: same, parked: :idling

event :idle do
  transition first_gear: :idling

event :shift_up do
  transition idling: :first_gear, first_gear: :second_gear, second_gear: :third_gear

event :shift_down do
  transition third_gear: :second_gear, second_gear: :first_gear

event :crash do
  transition all - [:parked, :stalled] => :stalled, if: ->(vehicle) {!vehicle.passed_inspection?}

event :repair do
  # The first transition that matches the state and passes its conditions
  # will be used
  transition stalled: parked, unless: :auto_shop_busy
  transition stalled: same

state :parked do
  def speed

state :idling, :first_gear do
  def speed

state all - [:parked, :stalled, :idling] do
  def moving?

state :parked, :stalled, :idling do
  def moving?
end   end

state_machine :alarm_state, initial: :active, namespace: :’alarm’ do event :enable do transition all => :active end

event :disable do
  transition all => :off

state :active, :value => 1
state :off, :value => 0   end

def initialize @seatbelt_on = false @time_used = 0 @auto_shop_busy = true super() # NOTE: This must be called, otherwise states won’t get initialized end

def put_on_seatbelt @seatbelt_on = true end

def passed_inspection? false end

def tow # tow the vehicle end

def fix # get the vehicle fixed by a mechanic end

def log_start_failure # log a failed attempt to start the vehicle end end ```

Note the comment made on the initialize method in the class. In order for state machine attributes to be properly initialized, super() must be called. See StateMachines:MacroMethods for more information about this.

Using the above class as an example, you can interact with the state machine like so:

```ruby vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb7cf4eac @state=”parked”, @seatbelt_on=false> vehicle.state # => “parked” vehicle.state_name # => :parked vehicle.human_state_name # => “parked” vehicle.parked? # => true vehicle.can_ignite? # => true vehicle.ignite_transition # => #<StateMachines:Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from=”parked” from_name=:parked to=”idling” to_name=:idling> vehicle.state_events # => [:ignite] vehicle.state_transitions # => [#<StateMachines:Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from=”parked” from_name=:parked to=”idling” to_name=:idling>] vehicle.speed # => 0 vehicle.moving? # => false

vehicle.ignite # => true vehicle.parked? # => false vehicle.idling? # => true vehicle.speed # => 10 vehicle # => #<Vehicle:0xb7cf4eac @state=”idling”, @seatbelt_on=true>

vehicle.shift_up # => true vehicle.speed # => 10 vehicle.moving? # => true vehicle # => #<Vehicle:0xb7cf4eac @state=”first_gear”, @seatbelt_on=true>

A generic event helper is available to fire without going through the event’s instance method

vehicle.fire_state_event(:shift_up) # => true

Call state-driven behavior that’s undefined for the state raises a NoMethodError

vehicle.speed # => NoMethodError: super: no superclass method `speed’ for #<Vehicle:0xb7cf4eac> vehicle # => #<Vehicle:0xb7cf4eac @state=”second_gear”, @seatbelt_on=true>

The bang (!) operator can raise exceptions if the event fails

vehicle.park! # => StateMachines:InvalidTransition: Cannot transition state via :park from :second_gear

Generic state predicates can raise exceptions if the value does not exist

vehicle.state?(:parked) # => false vehicle.state?(:invalid) # => IndexError: :invalid is an invalid name

Namespaced machines have uniquely-generated methods

vehicle.alarm_state # => 1 vehicle.alarm_state_name # => :active

vehicle.can_disable_alarm? # => true vehicle.disable_alarm # => true vehicle.alarm_state # => 0 vehicle.alarm_state_name # => :off vehicle.can_enable_alarm? # => true

vehicle.alarm_off? # => true vehicle.alarm_active? # => false

Events can be fired in parallel

vehicle.fire_events(:shift_down, :enable_alarm) # => true vehicle.state_name # => :first_gear vehicle.alarm_state_name # => :active

vehicle.fire_events!(:ignite, :enable_alarm) # => StateMachines:InvalidTransition: Cannot run events in parallel: ignite, enable_alarm

Human-friendly names can be accessed for states/events

Vehicle.human_state_name(:first_gear) # => “first gear” Vehicle.human_alarm_state_name(:active) # => “active”

Vehicle.human_state_event_name(:shift_down) # => “shift down” Vehicle.human_alarm_state_event_name(:enable) # => “enable”

States / events can also be references by the string version of their name

Vehicle.human_state_name(‘first_gear’) # => “first gear” Vehicle.human_state_event_name(‘shift_down’) # => “shift down”

Available transition paths can be analyzed for an object

vehicle.state_paths # => [[#<StateMachines:Transition …], [#<StateMachines:Transition …], …] vehicle.state_paths.to_states # => [:parked, :idling, :first_gear, :stalled, :second_gear, :third_gear] # => [:park, :ignite, :shift_up, :idle, :crash, :repair, :shift_down]

Find all paths that start and end on certain states

vehicle.state_paths(:from => :parked, :to => :first_gear) # => [[ # #<StateMachines:Transition attribute=:state event=:ignite from=”parked” …>, # #<StateMachines:Transition attribute=:state event=:shift_up from=”idling” …> # ]] # Skipping state_machine and writing to attributes directly vehicle.state = “parked” vehicle.state # => “parked” vehicle.state_name # => :parked

Note that the following is not supported (see StateMachines:MacroMethods#state_machine):

# vehicle.state = :parked ```

Additional Topics

Explicit vs. Implicit Event Transitions

Every event defined for a state machine generates an instance method on the class that allows the event to be explicitly triggered. Most of the examples in the state_machine documentation use this technique. However, with some types of integrations, like ActiveRecord, you can also implicitly fire events by setting a special attribute on the instance.

Suppose you’re using the ActiveRecord integration and the following model is defined:

ruby class Vehicle < ActiveRecord::Base state_machine initial: :parked do event :ignite do transition parked: :idling end end end

To trigger the ignite event, you would typically call the Vehicle#ignite method like so:

ruby vehicle = Vehicle.create # => #<Vehicle id=1 state="parked"> vehicle.ignite # => true vehicle.state # => "idling"

This is referred to as an explicit event transition. The same behavior can also be achieved implicitly by setting the state event attribute and invoking the action associated with the state machine. For example:

ruby vehicle = Vehicle.create # => #<Vehicle id=1 state="parked"> vehicle.state_event = 'ignite' # => 'ignite' # => true vehicle.state # => 'idling' vehicle.state_event # => nil

As you can see, the ignite event was automatically triggered when the save action was called. This is particularly useful if you want to allow users to drive the state transitions from a web API.

See each integration’s API documentation for more information on the implicit approach.

Symbols vs. Strings

In all of the examples used throughout the documentation, you’ll notice that states and events are almost always referenced as symbols. This isn’t a requirement, but rather a suggested best practice.

You can very well define your state machine with Strings like so:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine initial: ‘parked’ do event ‘ignite’ do transition ‘parked’ => ‘idling’ end

# ...   end end ```

You could even use numbers as your state / event names. The important thing to keep in mind is that the type being used for referencing states / events in your machine definition must be consistent. If you’re using Symbols, then all states / events must use Symbols. Otherwise you’ll encounter the following error:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine do event :ignite do transition parked: ‘idling’ end end end

=> ArgumentError: “idling” state defined as String, :parked defined as Symbol; all states must be consistent


There is an exception to this rule. The consistency is only required within the definition itself. However, when the machine’s helper methods are called with input from external sources, such as a web form, state_machine will map that input to a String / Symbol. For example:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine initial: :parked do event :ignite do transition parked: :idling end end end

v = # => #<Vehicle:0xb71da5f8 @state=”parked”> v.state?(‘parked’) # => true v.state?(:parked) # => true ```

Note that none of this actually has to do with the type of the value that gets stored. By default, all state values are assumed to be string – regardless of whether the state names are symbols or strings. If you want to store states as symbols instead you’ll have to be explicit about it:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine initial: :parked do event :ignite do transition parked: :idling end

states.each do |state|
  self.state(, :value =>
end   end end

v = # => #<Vehicle:0xb71da5f8 @state=:parked> v.state?(‘parked’) # => true v.state?(:parked) # => true ```

Syntax flexibility

Although state_machine introduces a simplified syntax, it still remains backwards compatible with previous versions and other state-related libraries by providing some flexibility around how transitions are defined. See below for an overview of these syntaxes.

Verbose syntax

In general, it’s recommended that state machines use the implicit syntax for transitions. However, you can be a little more explicit and verbose about transitions by using the :from, :except_from, :to, and :except_to options.

For example, transitions and callbacks can be defined like so:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine initial: :parked do before_transition from: :parked, except_to: :parked, do: :put_on_seatbelt after_transition to: :parked do |transition| self.seatbelt = ‘off’ # self is the record end

event :ignite do
  transition from: :parked, to: :idling
end   end end ```

Transition context

Some flexibility is provided around the context in which transitions can be defined. In almost all examples throughout the documentation, transitions are defined within the context of an event. If you prefer to have state machines defined in the context of a state either out of preference or in order to easily migrate from a different library, you can do so as shown below:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine initial: :parked do …

state :parked do
  transition to::idling, :on => [:ignite, :shift_up], if: :seatbelt_on?

  def speed

state :first_gear do
  transition to: :second_gear, on: :shift_up

  def speed

state :idling, :first_gear do
  transition to: :parked, on: :park
end   end end ```

In the above example, there’s no need to specify the from state for each transition since it’s inferred from the context.

You can also define transitions completely outside the context of a particular state / event. This may be useful in cases where you’re building a state machine from a data store instead of part of the class definition. See the example below:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine initial: :parked do …

transition parked: :idling, :on => [:ignite, :shift_up]
transition first_gear: :second_gear, second_gear: :third_gear, on: :shift_up
transition [:idling, :first_gear] => :parked, on: :park
transition [:idling, :first_gear] => :parked, on: :park
transition all - [:parked, :stalled]: :stalled, unless: :auto_shop_busy?   end end ```

Notice that in these alternative syntaxes:

  • You can continue to configure :if and :unless conditions
  • You can continue to define from states (when in the machine context) using the all, any, and same helper methods

Static / Dynamic definitions

In most cases, the definition of a state machine is static. That is to say, the states, events and possible transitions are known ahead of time even though they may depend on data that’s only known at runtime. For example, certain transitions may only be available depending on an attribute on that object it’s being run on. All of the documentation in this library define static machines like so:

```ruby class Vehicle state_machine :state, initial: :parked do event :park do transition [:idling, :first_gear] => :parked end

...   end end ```

However, there may be cases where the definition of a state machine is dynamic. This means that you don’t know the possible states or events for a machine until runtime. For example, you may allow users in your application to manage the state machine of a project or task in your system. This means that the list of transitions (and their associated states / events) could be stored externally, such as in a database. In a case like this, you can define dynamically-generated state machines like so:

```ruby class Vehicle attr_accessor :state

# Make sure the machine gets initialized so the initial state gets set properly def initialize(*) super machine end

# Replace this with an external source (like a db) def transitions [ :idling, on: :ignite, :first_gear, first_gear: :second_gear, on: :shift_up # … ] end

# Create a state machine for this vehicle instance dynamically based on the # transitions defined from the source above def machine vehicle = self @machine ||=, initial: :parked, action: :save) do vehicle.transitions.each {|attrs| transition(attrs)} end end

def save # Save the state change… true end end

Generic class for building machines

class Machine def, args, &block) machine_class = machine = machine_class.state_machine(args, &block) attribute = machine.attribute action = machine.action

# Delegate attributes
machine_class.class_eval do
  define_method(:definition) { machine }
  define_method(attribute) { object.send(attribute) }
  define_method("#{attribute}=") {|value| object.send("#{attribute}=", value) }
  define_method(action) { object.send(action) } if action
end   end end

vehicle = # => #<Vehicle:0xb708412c @state=”parked” …> vehicle.state # => “parked” vehicle.machine.ignite # => true vehicle.machine.state # => “idling vehicle.state # => “idling” vehicle.machine.state_transitions # => [#<StateMachines:Transition …>] vehicle.machine.definition.states.keys # => :first_gear, :second_gear, :parked, :idling ```

As you can see, state_machine provides enough flexibility for you to be able to create new machine definitions on the fly based on an external source of transitions.


Ruby versions officially supported and tested:

  • Ruby (MRI) 2.0.0+
  • JRuby
  • Rubinius

For graphing state machine:

For documenting state machines:


  • Add matchers/assertions for rspec and minitest


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