Stasi Build Status

A small authorization library inspired by CanCan


gem 'stasi'

In the model you wish to check permissions on, e.g. User :

include Robotnik::Authorization::Watch

Then you can check permissions this way :

user.can? :read, @post

You define permissions in an initializer :

Robotnik::Authorization::Law.define do

  default do
    can :read, Post

  status :admin do
    can :edit, Post, if:{ |post| post.editable? }
    can :destroy, Post

  status :guest do
    can :comment, :commentable


Undefined permissions default to false. :admin and :guest, in this example, must be method names on the user object. The only method name that is not allowed is :default, as status :default is equivalent to default.

The can method takes two arguments : an action name as a symbol, and a resource. The resource can be :

  • a class, eg. Post
  • a symbol, eg. :commentable. The authorization will be applied if @post.commentable returns true. This method can take one argument, in which case, the user object will be passed to it.

When checking permission, you can pass an :as option to provide the right resource. As the gem in ORM agnostic, this can be useful when checking on a collection :

# if you defined the ability as : can :read, Post
current_user.can? :read, Post.published, as: Post

Optionnally, the can method can take a hash with conditions (hash keys can be if and unless, values can be Proc, or a symbol on which will be called to_proc. The resource tested will be yielded). Finally, the can method can take a block, in which case the can? method will return the return value of the block. This is useful when defining abilities on collections :

  can :index, Post do |posts|
    posts.where(published: true)

The cannot method takes only two arguments : the action name, and the resource.


  • reload config in dev mode in rails
  • yield user to blocks and procs in defining abilities
  • alias actions :manage, :all, :read => [:index, :show], :create => [:new, :create], …
  • load specific permissions from db