
Stapfen is a simple gem to make writing workers that consume messages via STOMP or JMS easier.

Stapfen allows you to write one worker class, and use either protocol depending on the environment and needs.

RDoc here


(Examples can be found in the examples/ directory)

Consider the following myworker.rb file:

class MyWorker < Stapfen::Worker
  configure do |worker|
    # You can also specify your own logger, but this is the default...
    worker.logger =
    worker.protocol = STOMP
    worker.client_options = {
      :hosts => [
          :host => 'localhost',
          :port => 61613,
          :login => 'guest',
          :passcode => 'guest',
          :ssl => false
      :topic => 'thequeue',
      :dead_letter_queue => '/queue/dlq',
      :max_redeliveries => 0

  consume do |message|
    data = expensive_computation(message.body)
    # Save my data, or do something worker-specific with it

    # Send another message
    client.publish('/topic/computation-acks', "finished with #{message.message_id}")


When using the STOMP protocol, worker.client_options can be set with any of the attributes described in a Stomp::Client connection hash as well as any subscription options.

When using the JMS protocol, worker.client_options can be set with any of the attributes described in configuration hash for the jruby-jms gem.

Kafka example

Using with Kafka requires a configuration with the topic, groupID, and zookeepers string.

require 'stapfen'
require 'stapfen/worker'

class MyWorker < Stapfen::Worker
  configure do |worker|
    # You can also specify your own logger, but this is the default...
    worker.logger =
    worker.protocol = KAFKA
    worker.client_options = {
      :topic => 'test',
      :groupId => 'groupId',
      :zookeepers => 'localhost:2181' # comma separated string of zookeepers

  consume do |message|
    puts "Recv: #{message.body}"
  • Testing with Kafka
    • Start Staphen worker first
    • Using producer included with kafka
    • Produce some messages
      • echo foobar | bin/ --broker-list <brokers> --topic <topic>
    • Worker should be able to read the message
  • using the same groupId a consumer will start reading from the last offset that was read by a consumer from the same group
    • For example, Given 2 consumers belong to the same groupId
    • Consumer1 reads a few messages and dies
    • A producer produces 5 messages
    • Consumer2 starts up and will receive the 5 messages produced because it started at the last offset of Consumer1

It is also important to note that the consume block will be invoked inside an instance of MyWorker and will execute inside its own Thread, so take care when accessing other shared resources.

Also note you'll need to include the zk gem manually.

Fallback and dead-letter-queue support

The consume block accepts the usual subscriptions headers, as well as two additional headers :dead_letter_queue and :max_redeliveries. If either of the latter two is present, the consumer will unreceive any messages for which the block returns false; after :max_redeliveries, it will send the message to :dead_letter_queue. consume blocks without these headers will fail silently rather than unreceive.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'stapfen'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install stapfen

Running Specs

Download this from jar from Maven Central

  • activemq-all-5.8.0.jar
  • wget -O activemq-all-5.8.0.jar
  • Put it in gem root
  • rake spec