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The Stampable gem is used to stamp ActiveRecord model with current user. This is a simple gem that stores who modified/created the record in a single field.


Installation of the plugin can be done using the built in Rails plugin script. Issue the following command from the root of your Rails application:

$ ./script/rails plugin install git://

or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'stampable'

and run bundle install to install the new dependency.


All you need to do is include Stampable module in the ActiveRecord model that you want to stamp.

class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Stampable::Base

and in case of rails set the current user in application controller

class ApplicationController
  before_filter :current_user

  def current_user
    Thread.current['current_user'] = <current user name or id>

The value saved in current_user (say user name or user id) gets saved in the model that is stampable.


To save the stamp in touched_by instead of modified_by add following to environment.rb file

Stampable::Base.config = {:stamp_field => 'touched_by'}

To specify a default user add following

Stampable::Base.config = {:default_user => 'robot'}

To skip the modification of stampable fields by some particular users, ex default is background_job

Stampable::Base.config = {:except_user_list => ['background_job','user1']}